Lifelong Warhammer fan Bricky and grimdark greenhorn Dkdiamantes delve into the incredibly vast ocean that is Warhammer 40000 lore in this unofficial Warhammer ...
NORSCA: THE CHAOS VIKINGS | Warhammer Fantasy Lore is a frigid, arctic peninsula and Human cultural region located in the far north of the Old World, though not officially considered a cultural or historical part of it by southern scholars. Norsca lies on the very doorstep of the northern Chaos Wastes themselves. It is bordered to the south by the freezing waters of the Sea of Claws, to the north by the Sea of Chaos and the Chaos Wastes, and to the east by the roving Kurgan tribes of the Eastern Steppes.Norsca is inhabited by a race of savage and ferocious Men known variously as Norscans, Norsemen or the Norse. Long ago, in the time of Sigmar, when these people still inhabited the northern lands of what would become the Empire, they were known as the Norsii.Support the show
DEATH WORLD TIER LIST | Warhammer 40k Lore δτ-class or Death World (sometimes spelled as Deathworld) is a world classification defined by its extremely dangerous or aggressive native flora and fauna. These eco-systems are finely balanced between continual destruction and lightning-fast reproduction. Death worlds take many forms, ranging from jungle-covered hell-holes with carnivorous plants and animals to barren, volcanic wastelands racked by ion storms. The most famous and notorious Death World is the hellish planet of CatachanSome worlds can be turned into Death Worlds, like what occurred on Indiga after numerous captive giant predators escaped from their zoos. When this happens, these worlds are labeled as Man-Made Death Worlds.Humans can, and do, live on these worlds, but it is a never-ending struggle. On many death worlds it is as if the entire bio-mass of the planet were consciously motivated against human settlement - concentrating forces against intruders to destroy them. Death worlds with human settlements or colonies can have populations of 1,000 to 15,000,000.Death worlds are not usually inhabited, and are nearly impossible to colonise but still need to be explored, which means the establishment of outposts and other support facilities. Some planets have rich mineral wealth, animal life, vegetables or gases, so tithes might range from Solutio Tertius to Solutio Prima.Support the show
THE DEATH KORPS OF KRIEG: BACK TO THE TRENCHES | Warhammer 40k Lore Death Korps of Krieg are Imperial Guard Regiments raised from the world of Krieg. Notoriously grim and fatalistic warriors, they seek to atone for their planet's past rebellion by dying glorious deaths in service to the Imperium. For this purpose, Death Korps regiments routinely request to fight in the galaxy's deadliest warzones, grinding their enemy down through long battles of attrition and siege warfare.Support the show
TRENCH CRUSADE: JESUS CLONE SUPER SOLDIERS VS HELL | Trench Crusade Lore the Crusades a heretical band of Templars dared defy the Almighty and, casting aside their sacred vows, unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth. Over 800 years later, in the Year of Our Lord 1914, this brutal, merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on.Trench Crusade is a miniature wargame and horror setting. It is a collaboration between horror artist Mike Franchina, sculptor James Sherriff, and former Games Workshop designer Tuomas Pirinen.Support the show
Bricky & PoorHammer create the worst Army Rules for Warhammer 40k and Eric from PoorHammer podcast join Bricky & Dk and create absolutely broken Detachment rules for Warhammer 40k tabletop and everybody suffers. If you aren't into tabletop enjoy 2 hours of incomprehensible numbers and words.Support the show
Lifelong Warhammer fan Bricky and grimdark greenhorn Dkdiamantes delve into the incredibly vast ocean that is Warhammer 40000 lore in this unofficial Warhammer 40k podcast. From superhuman space warriors to depraved cultists and green-skinned Mad Max rejects, not even the most ridiculous aspects of this setting are off the table for these two mad men.