Ethics Town is a cosmic horror podcast about philosophical conundrums in a weird small town! We're not going to answer the big questions for you, but we are goi...
One person Q&A? Oh no! (Don't worry, we made it work.)All your plot/production questions about S2 are answered by CL Hendry!TRANSCRIPT: us @EthicsTownPod for updates.Content Warnings:Many themes that appear in the show are discussed during this Q&A, but usually not in so much depth and in a more jovial mannerSFX:All swears in the audio have been bleeped out with a sound made by a street synth Cai found. Cai and CL *love* this sound, but it's not for everyone and can be jarring.Visit our website: us on Ko-fi:
LIVE SHOW! The Jacobs' Move to Ethics
Our live show from Podfest 2024. Ian (Rhys Lawton), Alice (LM Clohessy), and Grace (Ollie Bannerman) move into their new home in Ethics.TRANSCRIPT: warnings:Extreme unrealityMentioned illnessAnxietyMentioned child injurySome harsh noise towards the endBy popular demand, the pre-amble show intro has been included. If you do not wish to listen to this you can skip to 3:40. Enjoy the show!
(Bonus Series) Inkwell Haven: The Dead Need Time To Rest
Previous Episode: "Denouement" by Waymon Alexander on the Syntax feed.This episode can be listened to as a stand alone tale, but we strongly recommend you check out every story in the Inkwell Haven series.Content warnings: death, gore.Transcript: episode was written by Delaney Sutton. You heard Jack Fulmin as Alice, Delaney Sutton as Logan, Ted Heavener as The Caretaker, Kit Paterson as additional voices, and Grace Stone as the Tour Guide.You can find more from the Do You Copy? team here.Introduction and outro by Grace Stone and Naomi Richards.Cover art by Kit Paterson.Episode art by Kaila Crockett.
All's Well That Ends. Well.
So. Let's see how it ends, shall we?TRANSCRIPT: Jacobs was played by Rhys Lawton. Noah Morley was played by Sarah Griffin. Mark Clayton was played by Andrew Gorman. Mr Clayton was played by David Ault. Alex Crane was played by Eli Labat-Angstadt. Rory Nos was played by Evan Gwen Davies. Addi Reay-Armstrong was played by Delilah Tahiri. Alice Kean was played by LM Clohessy. Artemis Flynn was played by Liz Dokukina. Elain Carter was played by Paige Adams. This episode was written and produced by C. L. Hendry and sound designed by Cai Gwilym Pritchard. Theme by Mick Zijdel.Follow us @EthicsTownPod for updates.Content Warnings:Mentioned medical malpracticeAnxietyChild death mentionedDivorceAttempted murderUnrealityExhumation mentionSuicidal ideationVisit our website: us on Ko-fi:
Ship's Theseus
In Ethics' hospital, another new, risky (and let's be honest, shady) medical procedure is commencing. TRANSCRIPT: Clayton was played by David Ault. Carmilla was played by Ollie Bannerman. Noah Morley was played by Sarah Griffin. Mark Clayton was played by Andrew Gorman. This episode was written and produced by C. L. Hendry and sound designed by Cai Gwilym Pritchard. Theme by Mick Zijdel.Follow us @EthicsTownPod for updates.Content Warnings:Medical malpracticeCancerChild death mentionedSurgeryMiscommunication BetrayalVisit our website: us on Ko-fi:
Ethics Town is a cosmic horror podcast about philosophical conundrums in a weird small town! We're not going to answer the big questions for you, but we are going to dance around them in a fun and theatrical manner!
Listeners will follow January, a tired and wired Ethics local, and Artemis, a young girl lost in the woods, as they try to unravel what exactly is going on down in the town of Ethics now that the new mayor has taken office. Statistics and probability are exchanged for conspiracy theory logic as the pair try to explain weirder and weirder happenings.