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This week we decided to all feel a little bit better about ourselves by diving into some of the most embarrassing stories we could find on the internet.
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I Let Fans Roast Me! (And I Roasted Them Back)
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Joe Santagato was kind enough to let real fans roast him! We gathered a bunch of submissions from you, the fans, and picked a handful for Joe to react to. He has thick skin, we promise. But we also asked everyone who submitted to also include a photo or video of themselves so Joe could roast back! Enjoy.
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Reacting To Crazy Karens And Getting Really Pissed Off!
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Nobody ruins a day like a classic Karen. Whether they are overreacting, yelling at someone, asking to speak to the manager, or giving unwanted advice, nobody enjoys a Karen. For Joe, nothing gets him angrier than a Karen. That's why we decided to have him react to some of the craziest most out of pocket things Karens have said. Enjoy.
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Women Reveal The Wildest Things Men Have Said During S*x
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We once again dive into the world of women. This time we had women reveal the wildest and craziest things men have said to them during "the act." Let us warn you now, it's not pretty. But it is entertaining. Watch Joe Santagato read and react to the most unhinged things men have said to women in moments of passion. Enjoy it.
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Are People Too Sensitive These Days?
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Are people too sensitive these days? That's what we're here to figure out. This week Joe Santagato reads a bunch of scenarios where people got offended and decides if they are being too sensitive or have a right to be mad. Here we go.
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