Hello Listener. We want to play a game... This week we spotlight the work of the Master of Modern Horror, James Wan. From "Saw" his mega-franchise launching debut in 2004 to his franchise launching "The Conjuring" and established franchise high points "Aquaman" and "Furious 7," we discuss and dissect Wan's mastery of cinematic language and how he uses it against his audience to scare the crap out of us. What's the scariest movie you've seen? What other filmmaker do you want to hear us cover? You can let us know your thoughts on this episode by emailing in at [email protected]. Check us out on:
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Instagram @makingascenemoviepodcast
Let's try something different, shall we? In this whiz-bang episode, the fellas take a list of five films they've each come up with and match them up at random to throw down about which one is best. Antics ensue. Some of these are pretty easy to decide. Some others...well that's up to you dear listener. You can let us know your thoughts on this episode by emailing in at [email protected]. Check us out on: Facebook @makingascenepodcast Instagram @makingascenemoviepodcast
Filmmaker Spotlight: Edgar Wright
What's the plan then? Right. We do the intro, mention Spaced briefly, move on to his movies, talk about how Michael Cera sucks - "I'm so sorry, Michael" - then we disagree about Baby Driver, call out Ansel Elgort, hole up, have a cup of tea and wait for this whole thing to blow over. Oh yea, we are spotlighting Edgar Wright. You can let us know your thoughts on this episode by emailing in at [email protected].
Check us out on:
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Time To Say Goodbye
No! We aren't going anywhere so stop asking! This week we dip our toes back into the world of Television. This visit we talk through the treacherous world of TV finales. Some of the most impactful episodes, finales and the final season leading up to them can make or break the legacy of a show. In some cases, you get a cherry on top of a nearly perfect series and a satisfying conclusion to a cast of characters that you have come to know and love. In other cases, you get Game Of Thrones. You can let us know your thoughts on this episode by emailing in at [email protected]. Check us out on:
Facebook at makingascenepodcast Instagram @makingascenemoviepodcast
Filmmaker Spotlight: M. Night Shyamalan
This week's episode tackles our most controversial filmmaker yet, outside of Uwe Boll. M. Night Shyamalan has been writing and directing for well over 20 years. His distinctive style and tendencies give the guys plenty to chew on. From young children seeing dead people, to old children seeing dead people, Shyamalan's unwavering dedication to seeing his artistic vision through (for better or worse) has left him as one of the most debated and talked about directors of the 21st century. You can let us know your thoughts on this episode by emailing in at [email protected].
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