The Vesta Clinic’s newest doctor knows what she’s doing. We promise.
The Vesta Clinic is a science fiction audio drama which tells hopeful and compassionate ta...
Patient: Soothgrantoth; Aaran; [Redacted]
Date: 659/2/2732
Patient IDs to follow.
Presenting Complaint: to follow.
You know how bar fights are . . .
(Please see the end of the episode description for content warnings!)
The Vesta Clinic was created by AMC. This episode features AMC as Faye Underwood, Kamen Cooley-Greene as Dakarai Solari and Ruby Campbell as Xaelest Adra and Calyxy L’Torra.
Music by AMC and Ruby Campbell.
Credits read by Ruby Campbell.
Transcripts are available at
Please consider supporting us on Patreon! The bonus story for this episode is called ‘Eluthero’ and is available at Patrons will also have access to exclusive bloopers from this episode!
You can also find us on social media on tumblr, bluesky and instagram at @vestaclincpod!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Sound Effect Attributions: Spaceship compartment door.With pneumatics(8lrs,mltprcssng).wav by newlocknew at
Typing metal plate(reson,rev,DTBlkfx,Eq,Extr,sat,dcmtr)12.wav by newlocknew at
Alien or Demonic Voice.mp3 by airborne80 at
Alien Voice8.flac by CGEffex at
Content Warnings: Poorly managed diabetes, reference to cannulation and injections, non-permanent vision loss, reference to violence, fictional weapon mention, reference to eye anatomy and examination, reference to flirting between clinic nurse and a patient, reference to implanted devices, reference to broken bones, reference to alcohol
Season 2 Trailer
So many questions! And one very important answer!
The Vesta Clinic is created by AMC. You heard the voices of AMC, Kamen Cooley-Greene, Ruby Campbell and Christopher Stoops.
AMC: Hello listener, are you wondering when The Vesta Clinic will return? I can tell you that season two is full of questions. Questions like:
Various Voices:
Are we working hard or are we hardly working?
[SEC: questioning ping]
What? What? Is that a FASERUNR?!
[SEC: questioning ping]
AMC: Don’t worry! There are also answers.
Various Voices:
How many patients are you bringing in?
Uhh, all of them?
[SEC: questioning ping]
Post-viral hypoviscosity?
No - thank stars! Sec does prefer it when our patients don’t ooze.
[SEC: affirmative ping]
AMC: But in answer to your question, The Vesta Clinic will return on the 23rd January 2025. We can’t wait to be back.
Season 2 Teaser Trailer
The Vesta Clinic will return in early 2025. Are you ready?
This trailer featured music by AMC and Ruby Campbell.
You heard AMC as Faye Underwood, Christopher Stoops as The Professor and someone else, Ruby Campbell as Xaelest Adra, Kamen Cooley-Greene as Dakarai Solari and Sec as himself!
Please share the first season of the show with fellow audio fiction fans and get excited for season 2! More updates to come on our socials @vestaclinicpod!
[Various voices]
Patient: Soothgrantoth, Doothgrund
Patient: Bomoo, Oogaroob
Patient: Garthangrosk, Ceresaur
Patient: Grey Moon Low Horizon Kawsenclan
Internal auditory hallucinations… fantastic stuff!
I - had never seen anything like it.
Whoa. Slow down, imaginary audience! And hold your imaginary applause!
Right. This is serious. We are adopting a kill on sight policy.
You’ve got about 5 seconds before this gets really spicy.
SEC: typing on screen, typing on screen, questioning ping [Translated: The Vesta Clinic will return in early 2025. Are you ready?]
Prescribed Listening: Travelling Light
A new prescription! This one is guaranteed to have you feeling better in no time.
If you love wholesome science fiction (AKA this very show!) you’ll love Travelling Light from the brains and heart behind Monstrous Agonies.
To find out more, follow the creators on twitter, tumblr and bluesky and find transcripts and more on their website!
Transcript for this prescription available here!
Prescribed Listening: InCo
Happy New Year, lovely listeners, and welcome back to Prescribed Listening! Why not improve your year by listening to InCo?
To find out more, check out the InCo website, and follow the creator on twitter, tumblr and bluesky!
Transcripts are available here!
The Vesta Clinic’s newest doctor knows what she’s doing. We promise.
The Vesta Clinic is a science fiction audio drama which tells hopeful and compassionate tales of sentient life from the Asteroid Belt and Beyond. Follow Dr Underwood as she pieces together the patients’ complaints into something like a convincing diagnosis.