When reporter Peter Sommers returns to his grandparents' farm in the wake of their death, he uncovers a horrifying mystery that challenges everything he knows a...
Natalie goes over evidence related to the events captured on Peter's recordings and offers a horrifying new perspective on the Sommers Family.
Confession [Ep 5]
Detective Tuttle reveals details about Peter that cast events in a new light. And a voice from beyond the grave offers more clues that lead Peter to a shocking discovery.
In The Margin [Ep 4]
Peter delves deeper into his grandparents history and finds he might not have known them as well as he thought. And a visit from Callum leads to a horrific confrontation. CONTENT WARNING: Depiction of an animal attack and gunfire.
Wild Animals [Ep 3]
Peter tries to find the source of the bestial sounds keeping him up at night. And after a dangerous encounter, he comes to a shocking revelation about the townsfolk. CONTENT WARNING: Depiction of an animal attack and emotional distress.
The Bookdealer [Ep 2]
When Peter gets the town's bookshop owner to go on the record, he learns the locals thought his grandparents were into something far more sinister than just collecting rare books.
When reporter Peter Sommers returns to his grandparents' farm in the wake of their death, he uncovers a horrifying mystery that challenges everything he knows about his family, his sanity and reality itself.
Created by bestselling author David Vienna, Barren is an immersive horror audio drama presented by Ridiculous Danger. #BarrenPodcast