The Town Council: The Dr. Quinn Podcast Episode 602
**Please note any sort of thud/slap sounds you will hear is due to rain from a massive storm hitting Rachel's AC unit. Our apologies** Thanks for tuning in to our recap of Season 6 Episode 2 'All That Matters' Join us as we nurse Sully back to health after falling from a cliff and breaking his legs. The Army staking out the homestead, the dog soldiers moving closer and closer to the town and what will happen with the reservation land. It's an overwhelming time for Dr. Mike and for the safety of Sully and her family she chooses to tell the town she is going to stop looking for him, hold a funeral and declare him dead. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN. Let us know what you thought of the episode on facebook, twitter, instagram @drquinnpodcast or email us
[email protected] As always you can find our podcast at, Spotify, ITunes and Amazon.