Van Allen Plexico & Andy Fix, along with occasional guests, dig deep into all things "Babylon 5," discussing each episode's Themes and Influences, Best Moments,...
Andy and Van try to figure out how an all-Technomage episode wasn't the greatest episode of Crusade EVER. Because it really was not. But there are some things to like about it. We discuss! Plus listener comments and more!
Any audio issues you hear in this episode were entirely caused by holo-demons and electron incantations. They have been fixed going forward.
Thanks to all of our patrons for making shows like this possible! We have no advertisers and are entirely supported by our great listeners! And PATRONS USUALLY GET THE SHOW DAYS EARLIER!!!
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Follow Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyFixWriter
Crusade 101: War Zone
Andy and Van board the Excalibur to search for the cure for the Drakh plague--and to debate whether Galen is one of the coolest characters ever, or THE coolest character ever. Bonus: Van has flaming hot takes about War Zone!!!
Thanks to all of our patrons for making shows like this possible! We have no advertisers and are entirely supported by our great listeners! And PATRONS USUALLY GET THE SHOW DAYS EARLIER!!!
The home of this show:
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows at our NEW Patreon site:
Follow Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyFixWriter
A Call to Arms (TNT Movie)
Van and Andy sign up as crewmen of the IAS Victory, safe in the belief that nothing could possibly go wrong! Meanwhile, everything goes wrong...
It's the last of the TNT movies, and the bridge to CRUSADE, which is coming next!
Thanks to all of our patrons for making shows like this possible! We have no advertisers and are entirely supported by our great listeners! And PATRONS USUALLY GET THE SHOW DAYS EARLIER!!!
The home of this show:
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows at our NEW Patreon site:
Follow Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyFixWriter
The River of Souls (TNT Movie)
Andy and Van rent a bowling ball that turns out to be a Palantir I MEAN A CONTAINER FULL OF SOULS. Next thing you know, Sauron I MEAN THE SOUL HUNTERS have shown up, and things just go from there.
Thanks to all of our patrons for making shows like this possible! We have no advertisers and are entirely supported by our great listeners! And PATRONS USUALLY GET THE SHOW DAYS EARLIER!!!
The home of this show:
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows at our NEW Patreon site:
Follow Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyFixWriter
Andy and Van take a break and leap through the Stargate once again, to catch up on two more episodes of SGU, before they get back to the Babylon 5 movies.
Thanks to all of our patrons for making shows like this possible! We have no advertisers and are entirely supported by our great listeners! And PATRONS USUALLY GET THE SHOW DAYS EARLIER!!!
The home of this show:
Be a part of the White Rocket Entertainment family by becoming a patron of the shows at our NEW Patreon site:
Follow Van on Twitter: @VanAllenPlexico
Follow Andy on Twitter: @AndyFixWriter
Van Allen Plexico & Andy Fix, along with occasional guests, dig deep into all things "Babylon 5," discussing each episode's Themes and Influences, Best Moments, Notes and Factoids, Guest Stars, and Episode Ratings and Evaluations, among other topics. This podcast does NOT spoil future episodes of the series.