Seeking answers and sharing true life experiences about UFO investigations, abductions, the Paranormal, secret societies, and ancient aliens. How have aliens an...
In 1989 Belgium air force scrambled with over 150 reports from eye witnesses of a ufo over the city,
Drones over US bases in the UK
Brigadeer General Patrick Ryder calls a press conference and at the same time Maria Eagle of the UK MOD has a different and more practical take on what happened.
Old info Dressed up as New UFO
are we being fooled on the net and by media? probably,being able to access old info is getting harder and harder so the rule of thumb is download save and be ready to trot it out, to note, the information funnel is narrowing all the time so find open plaftorms and let the lackies fend for themselves. the lackies are those platforms that try to use celebrity and old information packaging them as new to get your attention to make money,.
Kevin Day Witness to UAP off San Diego
Chief Radar Operator on the Princeton he was not just a witness but active in the communications between the 4 strike force ships over days of interactions with AAV's.
Signals from Outer Space
Seti Spokesman Seth Shostak talks about alien life in our very own milky way.
Seeking answers and sharing true life experiences about UFO investigations, abductions, the Paranormal, secret societies, and ancient aliens. How have aliens and the belief in them moulded our world, politics and military objectives. Aside from Close enounters of the military kind, we seek to keep up with what science and governments are really doing, expose the cover ups and explore events from the past to the present.