The Deadly Assassin - Doctor Who REVIEW - Who Wee Ood #42
In today's episode, we discuss the next serial of #doctorwho Season 14, The Deadly Assassin, with the long awaited return of the Master!#scifipodcast #podcast #doctorwhopodcast #scifi All other episodes, our TikTok, and more on our Linktree:
Bonus: Severance Season 2 Midpoint Discussion - Who Wee Ood
In today's bonus episode, we discuss our thoughts not on Doctor who, but about Severance, as of Season 2, Episode 6.#podcast #scifi #severance #appletv All other episodes, our TikTok, and more on our Linktree:
The Hand of Fear - Doctor Who REVIEW - Who Wee Ood #41
In today's episode, we discuss the next serial of #doctorwho Season 14, The Hand of Fear, which is the last of Sarah Jane Smith's run as a companion.#scifipodcast #podcast #doctorwhopodcast #scifi All other episodes, our TikTok, and more on our Linktree:
The Masque of Mandragora - Doctor Who REVIEW - Who Wee Ood #40
In today's episode, we discuss the first serial of #doctorwho Season 14, The Masque of Mandragora.#scifipodcast #podcast #doctorwhopodcast #scifi All other episodes, our TikTok, and more on our Linktree:
Doctor Who and the Pescatons & Exploration Earth - Audio REVIEW - Who Wee Ood #39
In today's episode, we discuss the first ever #doctorwho audio productions, Doctor Who and the Pescatons, and Exploration Earth: The Time Machine, which came out before and during Season 14 respectively.
#scifipodcast #podcast #doctorwhopodcast #scifi
All other episodes, our TikTok, and more on our Linktree: