A deep dive into the decade the Taste Police denied, 80sography offers interviews with the great, the good and the even better of a time of originality, individ...
David Weiss AKA David Was' 80:10 (Pt 2) (Out Come The Freaks, Sweet Pea Atkinson LP, Born To Laugh At Tornados LP, Shake Your Head)
Aaaand we are back for part 2 of the magnum octopus that is the David Weiss/Was interview with a cast list including Ozzy Osbourne, Madonna, Mel Torme, Kim Basinger, Bob Dylan, Versace, George Harrison, Rickie Lee Jones, etc, etc.3. OUT COME THE FREAKS (1981-90)After a brief preamble taking in his relationship with Don and diversions with The Rolling Stones and Rickie Lee Jones, we tackle the many iterations of the WNW classic, Out Come Freaks. We go through the litany of characters that populate the lyrics and David defines which were based on real people. 4. SWEET PEA ATKINSON LP (1982)A little detour as the brothers decide to make a Sweet Pea Atkinson solo LP, Don't Walk Away, writing a handful of songs for the occasion, some of which are pretty darn good.5. BORN TO LAUGH AT TORNADOES (1983) The first classic WNW album is born with contributions from Doug Fieger, Mitch Ryder and Mel Torme. Discussion on what I think should have been the four massive hits on the album....6. SHAKE YOUR HEAD (1983)...One of which eventually did become their biggest hit in the UK in 1992 (yes, even bigger than Boom-Boom-Shackaklackalacka-Boom).Discussion on the earlier incarnation with a on-the-cusp-of-fame Madonna and Ozzy Osbourne. Plus the 90s version with Kim Basinger and Ozzy. Great anecdote from David with name-drops galore.David is on Twitter @HennyYoungbloodDonations gratefully received via PayPal - [email protected] That Flashing Tie Was A Riot!Send us a text
David Weiss AKA David Was' 80:10 (Pt 1) (Wheel Me Out, Was Not Was LP, either/or)
Next up is an intriguing chat with one half of the Was Brothers (Was (not Was)) (too many brackets), the eternally interesting Mr David Weiss.We spoke for a looong time so this will end up in three parts (still lost a couple of hours of tangents in the process).Part 1 will cover the early years of Was (not Was) including their debut LP as well as plenty of talk of Walk The Dinosaur as well as diversions involving interactions with the likes of Bob Dylan, George Michael and Bruce Springsteen.The hours flew by. I hope they do for you too. 1. WHEEL ME OUT (1980)David and childhood buddy Don decide to make some music after their mate Doug hits major success with his band, The Knack and My Sharona (my-y-y-woo!).They make a funky weird track (involving David's mum) that leads to some underground success...2. WAS (NOT WAS)...Thanks to which, the first LP follows, with such gems as Out Come The Freaks and Where Did Your Heart Go. We discuss the Wham! cover and which was the more profitable for David; this or that dinosaur song.Every track from the album is covered. My original intention for all albums but David's diversions put paid to that (couldn't afford to go for a tenth hour of chat).EITHER/ORMadonna or Cyndi Lauper?Born in the USA or Purple Rain?Vinyl or CD?etc, etc...David is available on Facebook as David WasFor messages of support or to keep the podcast from grinding to a stop via PayPal;[email protected] I Accept All Lies x Send us a text
Track-By-Track: Russ Titelman (Producer) (Hearts and Bones - Paul Simon, 1983)
A very special episode with a great guest on a brilliant, underrated classic LP of the 80's, one of my personal favourites, Hearts and Bones by Paul Simon (second only in his back catalogue to Bridge Over Troubled Water in my book...)NOT an audio commentary so no syncing up required so sit back, relax, close your eyes and indulge (unless driving) with the legendary producer, Russ Titelman, on the majestically beautiful Hearts and Bones by Paul Simon (yet intended for Simon & Garfunkel).TRACKS;Side ONEAllergiesHearts and BonesWhen Numbers Get SeriousThink Too Much (b)Song About The MoonSide TWOThink Too Much (a)Train In The DistanceRene and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After The WarCars Are CarsThe Late Great Johnny AceTo help support the pod (I'm weakening to the idea of ads...)Paypal via [email protected]. Thanks to those that have supported.I'm more grateful than you can imagine. Wash Your Hands In Dreams and Lightning xSend us a text
Andy Richards' 80:10 (Pt 2) (George Michael, Pet Shop Boys, Chris de Burgh, Prefab Sprout, Producing, Misc)
Part 2 with keyboard magic-dust provider, ~Andy Richards with more hits, more number ones (including a potential 2 more to make the full 10).And so much brilliant 80s pop…5. GEORGE MICHAELAn opportune meeting, a Sunday afternoon session and more immortality as Andy works with George on the iconic Careless Whisper. A later session with David Cassidy (on yet another top 10 smash) allows him the opportunity to work with George again.6. PET SHOP BOYSA triple whammy of number one singles between July 87 - April 88 as Andy works on It’s a Sin, Always on my Mind and Heart (which he also produces). Not forgetting more hits in Suburbia and Rent as well as working on the Actually album.Later he works on the Liza Minelli album, Results (produced by the Pets) ‘resulting’ in another top 10 hit in Losing My Mind.Comparisons are made between working with Liza and Dusty Springfield (who he produced on her Reputation album).7. CHRIS DE BURGHFrom the great experience working on the sublime pop of the Pets to the more problematic cheesy monobrow of The De Burgh.Another massive number one single with The Lady In Red (with a little help from George Michael) but at some cost.Despite the experience (and like mothers forgetting the pain of childbirth) Andy returns and works on another top 3 hit in Missing You. Plus discussion at the end on where else George Michael appears in the ARoeuvre.8. PREFAB SPROUTAndy produces the wonderful “Hey Manhattan!” By The Sprouts from their From Langley Park To Memphis album.Discussion on Paddy’s views of the track (and why he is wrong, bless the little genius).9. PRODUCINGAs well as being the keyboard maestro go-to guy, Andy also produced many artists in the 80s.Here we go through some of them, from less successful experiences (Berlin) to yet more chart success with Fuzzbox and Holly Johnson. 10. MISCELLANEOUS80s odd and sods including the start of his film/TV work and a chance to mop up any other hits worked on, including a potential 10th number one (Foreigner’s I Want To Know What Love Is being the potential 9th). THE 80SOGRAPHY QUICKFIRE ROUNDAnd why not.For more on Andy - andyrichards.comTo help fund the pod or say hi - 80sography@gmail (PayPal)Vaughn George. Neil Tennant vocal analysis “Heart”.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtMjGpyzAIsSend us a text
Andy Richards' 80:10 (Pt 1) (The Early Years, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Trevor Horn, Peter Collins)
A great guy, a wonderful chat and a borderline genius of the keyboard, Andy Richards played on seven number ones of the 80s and loads more hits besides (as I attempt to define throughout the conversation). 1. THE EARLY YEARS (PRE-1980-83)Andy’s background in music culminating in him reaching the studio,And how working on jingles set him up for 80s chart success (cf Relax).2. FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOOD (1983-86)Andy sprinkles his magic synth-dust all over Relax for Trevor Horn as well as working on Two Tribes and the Welcome to the Pleasure Dome LP.Also discussed is the contrast with working on the follow-up, Liverpool.Rage Hard!3. TREVOR HORN (1983-86)As well as Frankie, Andy worked on other Trevor Horn projects such asDuck Rock, the massively influential Propaganda LP, A Secret Wish plusthe trifecta of 1985 pop perfection singles; Duel, Cry and Slave To The Rhythm.4. PETER COLLINS (1983-89)Another producer Andy cultivated a long working relationship with in the 80s wasthe late Peter Collins. From the pop of Nik Kershaw to the rawk of Rush andGary Moore.EITHER/ORNew feature (any excuse for another QFR). Andy’s 80s choices. Duran or Wham was a bit of a no brainer (unless he secretly worked on The Reflex as well)more on Andy at andyrichards.comTo help support the pod, donations gratefully received via PayPal [email protected] us a text
A deep dive into the decade the Taste Police denied, 80sography offers interviews with the great, the good and the even better of a time of originality, individuality and zestful vitality. Shumon!