It's TEAM Fighting this week on ARG PRESENTS! Get Your School Pals and Pack some Poke' Balls!
Welcome to the ARG PRESENTS! We're BACK at it with the ULTIMATE TEAM match up! Get Your School Pals and pack some Poke Ball - It's TEAM Fighting this week on ARG PRESENTS 311!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #Retrorotation#Retrocomputing
The GP32 - South Korea's Gift To Gaming this week on ARG Presents 310!
Join THE BRENT and Amigo Aaron as we take a look at the Game Park GP32. The GP32 was a South Korean handheld console with a twist - it was a totally open system, and the first "all emulation" system around...or was it? And why?!?!? We'll discus it, and then join us as we look at two games for the system. Kick back and relax as we play Raphael and Blue Angelo!
Do some Games look BETTER on a CRT? FIND OUT on this weeks ARG Presents! TUNE IN!
Welcome to ARG Presents 309! This time out, we ponder a questions as old as time - Do games look better on a CRT?!?!? Obviously, old games were made to play with old TV's...but is there enough of a difference to bother? We'll discuss this very point, and then we'll examine a few games more closely that WE have chosen to make this very point. Join us as we consider Samurai Showdown and Sonic the Hedgehog! Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #Retrorotation#Retrocomputing
Ask THE BRENT - Chat's BURNING Questions Answered in this ONE TIME SPECIAL EVENT!
Welcome to the long awaited, ONE TIME BONUS SPECIAL - It's Ask THE BRENT! Enjoy THE BRENT's on the fly answers to the chat's BURNING questions, including THE BRENT's views on film, Valentines Day, zombies, and SPRAY RUBBER! It's all here in live and living color as we ASK THE BRENT!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #Retrorotation#Retrocomputing
Spin the Wheel and Play the Feud! It's Game Show Video Games this week on ARG Presents! NO WHAMMYS!
Welcome to ARG Presents 308! This time out, we explore the fun filled and wacky world of Game Show Games! Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Family Feud, The Price is Right, and many MANY more game shows have made their way to your favorite classic consoles and computers, and we'll chat about our favorites! They, we'll discuss a few we've chosen for this week. Please kick back and relax as we discuss American Gladiators on the Nintendo Entertainment System aka NES aka the Famicom, AND Hollywood Squares on the Commodore 64 computer!Email: theretrorotation@gmailFacebook: Amigos Retro GamingTwitch: amigosretrogaming#argpresents #Retrorotation#Retrocomputing