Calling All Berkshire Freemasons!
The Berkshire Freemasonry Podcast is a podcast designed exclusively for Freemasons in Berkshire and those interested in what ...
One Organisation, One Journey - A conversation with the PGM/MEGS
Today's episode is an insightful exploration of the links between Craft Freemasonry and the Royal Arch. In a discussion with RW Bro Anthony Howlett-Bolton, our Provincial Grand Master and Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, we discuss how one progresses in knowledge through the four elements of Pure and Antient Freemasonry.
Episode 3 - Then & Now
In this month's episode we are joined by two incredible guests; Worshipful Brother David Jarvis, Past Junior Grand Deacon of the United Grand Lodge of England and Brother Malik Jallo.
We spend time looking at Freemasonry in the early 1970s when David joined and the differences and similarities to Freemasonry today and Malik's experiences as a relative new Freemason.
The Membership Challenge, One Year On (Part Two)
Our concluding part to our excellent interview with, Mark Wiltshire, Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon on his experiences working with the Provincial Membership Team and in the growth of Hungerford Lodge - Enjoy!
The Membership Challenge, One Year On (Part One)
In this episode, we hear from W Bro Mark Wiltshire, Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon and a key contributor to the Province's Membership Team as well as a key member of one of the Province's most successful lodges, Hungerford Lodge on the importance of the Member's Pathway and how our Lodges can contribute to them thriving through effective use of all the tools it brings.
With a focus on attracting new members; engagement at all levels and excellent use of mentoring, all our lodges can thrive and look forward to many years to come.
Calling All Berkshire Freemasons!
The Berkshire Freemasonry Podcast is a podcast designed exclusively for Freemasons in Berkshire and those interested in what we have going on. Each episode will look at key people, themes and activities going on within the Province and allow us together to explore.
Whether you are someone new to Freemasonry or a seasoned pro, we are sure that the conversations, insights and highlights we bring through this new medium will further enhance your experience and enjoyment of Berkshire Freemasonry.
Please do let us know your comments, feedback and suggestions for topics by reaching out through the Provincial Comms team.