If you go on a date and thought it was great, but then it gets weird… we’ll call the other person and find out what’s up. Warning: It could get awkward! Subscri...
Chris Thinks Olivia Could Be The One, But She Has Ghosted.
Second Date Update: Chris and Olivia meet for dinner and he thinks this girl is the one. Now, she has ghosted. Maybe there was a red flag or two?
Paul Met Angelina In Real Life. Their First Date Was Fun, But Now She Is Gone.
Paul and Angelina met at a holiday party last month. They hit it off and decided to go out. She has ghosted, was it something she saw on his IG?
Steven Takes Jasmine Out For Drinks & A Game Of Pool, But She Has Ghosted
Steve took Jasmine out for drinks and a round of pool. He really enjoyed getting to know her. However, she has ghosted. Hopefully, she didn't get hit by a wayward 8 ball whilst at the bar.
Kimmy Can't Figure Out Why Lance Is Ghosting After Their Date At Santana Row.
Kimmy went on a date with Lance after connecting on Hinge. They had drinks and appetizers at Santana Row in San Jose. Now, he's ghosting.
Russ Met Kelly Online, He Loves That She Loves To Travel. But Now She Has Ghosted
Russ and Kelly have travel in common, they had a great first date and the chemistry was there. However, now she has ghosted. Maybe she went on an exotic vacay and was kidnapped for ransom. Either way, we are going to find out.
If you go on a date and thought it was great, but then it gets weird… we’ll call the other person and find out what’s up. Warning: It could get awkward! Subscribe to hear Marcus & Corey's Second Date Update everyday on the iHeartRadio app.