Nerds invite you into their world and chats about TTRPGs w/ OSR vibes, Board & Video Games, pop culture, & more!
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The 2025 Monster Manual is out! The changes are woke! And crippling! And lore erasing (literally!) The gang goes through the most egregious of these changes and discusses the future of these monsters and Dungeons and Dragons in general. Although they expected it to be bad, they did not expect it to be this dramatic of a change. What does this mean for the future of the hobby?
The News:
"Freelancer" Vibes!
DnD adds MORE UNNECESSARY Subclasses
The full Wizards of the Coast Dungeons and Dragons release schedule
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The Satanic Panic, Revisited! - Episode 261
"There was no satanic panic." Ok, pal. The gang deep dives into an apparent X engagement grab and examines what they believe to be the root cause of the campaign against D&D, Heavy Metal, and more in the 1980s. The triple-six discussion is capped off with a trip into the news of the week!
The News:
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Horsing Around with Horse Girl; Former BrOSR Phenom Joel Peterson - Episode 260
After spending some time in the Nerdcognito Nation... Jack asks the forbidden question, "What is Horse Girl?" Well, he finds out. Then we take a trip into the news with a dip in the Reddit cesspool! After the news, former BrOSR, Joel Peterson drops in to talk about his bro journey as well as his video and tabletop games development. Suck it, Cuppa!
The News:
2025 Anticipated Board Games
It Came From Reddit...
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DnD 2025 Monster Manual... They did WHAT? - Episode 259
Ryan, Jack, and Bert dig into the details of the 2025 Monster Manual. It's great... if you listen to the pop gaming media. We have other opinions. After slogging through the news, the gang each throw out the name of their personal "favorite" TTRPG monster book.
The News:
You leveled up twice doing what?
An classic board game "updated for modern audiences"
"The new books" in TTRPG-land to watch out for in 2025... not.
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A prominent and previously politically benign designer gets political and then blasted for talking down to you about "Anticolonialism" in your TTRPG game. The guys have some very pointed opinions, as expected. The news delves into more DnD "lifestyle brand" announcements. After the gang survives another week of news, they share a list of the "best" nerdy vacation and holiday spots. Of course, this list of the best... well, it isn't.
The News:
Dungeons and Dragons Pinball
...and D&D Slot Machines
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Nerds invite you into their world and chats about TTRPGs w/ OSR vibes, Board & Video Games, pop culture, & more!
Listen and Subscribe for real, irreverent, yet relevant discussions, creator interviews, nerdy news, product reviews, and more!