Join two fans of Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance books, Jonathon Howard and Shivam Bhatt, as they read through the 100+ books in this vast and spr...
Podcast Summary - After the events of the Whitestone Council, Laurana and friends try to decide what their next steps are. Laurana would prefer not to lead but her commitment to her friends overcomes any desires she has to find Tanis. We learn her testimony has cleared Sturm and he will become instituted as a full knight. Laurana will travel to Palanthas to relay this information directly to him and advanced Lord Gunther's plans. Fizban provides some final guidance to Tas. Elistan meets his maker? On the other side of the world Tanis and Caramon steal some enemy uniforms in order to secure passage for them and the rest of the Companions out of Flotsam. Then, while trying to purchase supplies for their sea voyage Tanis is nearly killed by a grief-crazed elf. Only to be rescued by a Dragonlord, who just so happens to be a dear old friend?! You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 5 & 6
Shivam provides all the info one could ever want on gnomes and their place, not only in Krynn and D&D, but in the fantasy genre. Fizban and Tasslehoff experience the wonders of Mt. Nevermind, with special attention being given to innermountain transportation. The reader is introduced to Gnosh, the gnome in charge of investigating the dragon orb, and a bit about Gnomish culture. Fizban uses the orb and delivers ominous news. The Council of Whitestone, where the good people of Krynn have gathered to organize their defense against the threat of Takhisis, immediately breaks down into bickering. Tas takes things into his own hands, and right as all hope seems lost some old friends bring good news and a titular object! Content warning - light swearing You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 3 & 4
Raistlin wrestles with the Dragon Orb and perhaps wins out. Caramon wrestles with his feelings for Tika and she definitely loses out. We learn that the twins both lost out when Raistlin took the Test of High Sorcery. Lord Gunther of Solamnia is visited by Fizban and Tas. We learn a great deal about Gnomes their relationship with the Knights of Solamnia. Most important for this story though is that we learn knights have handed the dragon orb over to the the gnomes for study?! Content warning - drug use, addiction, sexual references You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 3, Chapters 1 & 2
We are reunited with Tanis, Raistlin and the rest of the Companions who we last saw leaving Silvanesti. We meet up with them in Port Balifor tired and road weary. Raistlin’s sleight-of-hand and magic ensures they eat and lodge for free. It also becomes the means by which the Companions raise enough funds to travel safely to Flotsam and book passage on a ship to Sancrist. We are also reunited with Sturm, who has not been as lucky as Tanis and Company. Instead, he is put on trial by accusations from Derek, and while he escapes with his life and a chance to save it, he is stripped of his father’s armor. Oh, and made third in command of the Silmarian Army…? Content warning - Swear words You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Dragons of Winter Night: Book 2, Chapters 9 & 10
As the rest of the party slumbers under Silvara’s spell, Tas sneaks his way into Dragon Castle and rediscovers that good dragons exist, and that the evil dragons were defeated with their help and the dragonlances. In the midst of these (re)discoveries Fizban miraculously appears! The frazzled wizard and the kender reunite, Tas fills Fizban in on what has transpired since his apparent death. The two return to Huma’s tomb, Fizban awakes the party and everyone learns what Silvara has been attempting to do all this time. Hope and despair abound. The secret of the dragonlances may finally be revealed! You can find us at: Jonathon - Shivam - Casual Magic w/ Shivam Bhatt - Shivam & Wheeler Love Magic - Facebook - Discord - We now have a Patreon for those who want to support the podcast! Benefits include seeing the show notes and getting a shout out. Details @ Intro/Outro music: Winter Night by Alexander Nakarada
Join two fans of Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Dragonlance books, Jonathon Howard and Shivam Bhatt, as they read through the 100+ books in this vast and sprawling Fantasy World inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game.