The boys are back and this time Jesse has managed to discover complete cat-like relaxation, or he's just really exhausted. Meanwhile Crendor can't win at video games and Jesse is completely fascinated by his failures. All this and the awesome power of viral marketing on a brand new Cox n' Crendor!
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Episode 457 - The Don't Die Rabbit Hole
The boys are back and this time Jesse is obsessed with the millionaire who is trying to prevent his own death by just being the craziest man alive. Meanwhile Crendor waxes poetic about making videos on youtube and Jesse is just over the whole thing. Oh and Crendor somehow strained his neck again. How you may ask? Who knows man. Who knows...
All this and more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor!
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Episode 456 - A Civilized Conversation About Civ?
The boys are back and this time Jesse and Crendor have thoughts about Civ 7. And those thoughts take up A LARGE PORTION of this episode. And then somehow we end up talking about a sexy sandwich maker and delicious food in Mexico. All this and more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor!
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Episode 455 - CYBER FARTS
The boys are back and this week Crendor is recovering from his cold. How is it a man so healthy can somehow be so not. Thankfully in his downtime he's watched a lot of TV and videos online and let me tell you, he's really into Mt. Everest now. Then the boys discover farts are nothing to laugh at. So stop thinking farts are funny! They aren't! All this an more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor!
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Episode 454 - CowaBunga Bangkai
The boys are back and this time Crendor is a sleepy boy, for reasons that make entirely too much sense. Meanwhile Jesse stresses out over a random bug in his new apartment because he's losing his mind. Then the boys ask the real questions, like, can you review a review? All this and a big stinky flower on a brand new Cox n' Crendor!
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