QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
Eric Guth, 4Z1UG
QSO Today is a weekly conversation, or QSO, between amateur radio operators about ham radio. Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, hosts a new guest every week to talk about their...
Charles “Pete” Corp, WA2JMG, operates simple rigs into wire antennas, using low power. His primary operating mode is ragchewing on CW for meaningful and reliable communications. At the urging of his grandfather, Pete pursued the power system management side of electrical engineering side of his four year degree as a way to satisfy the market demand for power engineers in industry, when there is a scarcity of supply. WA2JMG tells us his ham radio story, beginning in 1960, in this QSO Today.
Episode 523 Ron Taylor WA7GIL
Ron Taylor WA7GIL, while having a love for HF CW, boat anchor restoration, and kit building, still stays current with home brew equipment using Arduino controllers, the latest ham radio software, and the NanoVNA. His beautiful ham shack and carefully appointed workbench and parts inventory allow Ron to build and fix just about anything. WA7GIL is my QSO Today.
Episode 522 Cathy Goodrich W4CMG
Cathy Goodrich, W4CMG, is an enthusiastic contester and dedicated DX chaser. Known for her meticulous scheduling, Cathy ensures she dedicates time each day to amateur radio, honing her operating techniques and CW rag chewing skills. In her retirement, Cathy continues to make an impact as a Red Cross Coordinator in Nashville, TN, applying strategic insights gained from her extensive experience as a project manager in the pharmaceutical industry. In our conversation, we delve into how amateur radio operators can engage in and contribute their expertise to Red Cross operations, as well as improving on the air operating skills. W4CMG is my QSO Today.
Episode 521 Walt Hudson K4OGO
Walt Hudson, K4OGO, has always lived by and had a love of the sea, pursuing a career in ship building, beginning in Port Smith, Virginia. While he always had an interest in radio, including Citizens band radio, it wasn’t until just a few years ago that Walt became a ham radio operator. Since he is always near the shore, operating portable QRP SSB from the water’s edge and making DX contacts is what excites him. K4OGO loves to experiment with vertical antennas on the beach to fine tune his technical and operating skills. K4OGO is my QSO Today.
Episode 520 Steve Johnston WD8DAS Final
Steve Johnston, WD8DAS, was my guest in Episode 14, 10 years ago this October. I urge you to go back to that episode to get Steve’s ham radio story. A lot can happen in ten years, especially in this age of ham radio and the Internet. So in this episode we catch up with Steve to find out what contributions he has made and is making since the last time we spoke. WD8DAS is my QSO Today.
Over QSO Today Podcast - Interviews with the leaders in amateur radio
QSO Today is a weekly conversation, or QSO, between amateur radio operators about ham radio. Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, hosts a new guest every week to talk about their ham radio journey, their specialized expertise in ham radio, and how amateur radio has impacted their personal and professional lives. QSO Today is targeted at anyone interested in amateur radio who wants to learn more about this fascinating hobby.
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