Episode 39 - Upperhive Lorekeepers. Ty and Ko'Iron.
Greetings, scummers!Due to a subtle decrease in pollution from the industrial sectors of level 359, we are pleased to bring you another transmission from the number 1 social entertainment mega show, The Upperhive Lorekeepers!This episode, the noble sons from high above us all bring the ins and outs of two more of their noble equals, the houses of Ty and Ko'Iron.House Ty may be a young house, but their power and influence is rapidly climbing. Their knowledge of Psykers and connections to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica make them truly formidable. Their short tenure as a noble house on Necromunda shadows a long and powerful history, drawing their influences from some of the mightiest peoples of ancient Terra...The matriarchal house of Ko'Iron are the truest people of the faith on Necromunda.Their daughters and sons serving The Emperor in prayer and battle with equal vigour. Their armies march upon one thousand worlds on one hundred battlefields with one mission on their mind.Faith.So join us once again, as we travel the noble paths, spreading the glorious knowledge from our minds to your ears. This is Upperhive Lorekeepers and you’re welcome. If you have questions, complaints, corrections or suggestions, email us at
[email protected]. Want to support the show? https://linktr.ee/underhivelorekeepersUpperhive Lorekeepers theme is Camille Saint-Saëns: Danse Macabre - Xylophone by Kevin MacLeod. Available at https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kevin_MacLeod/Classical_Sampler/Danse_Macabre_-_Xylophone/