Laine Nooney, an associate professor at NYU and managing editor of ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories, joins Phil Salvador on The Video Game History Hour to chat about the journal’s mission to make game history more than just timelines. ROMchip is an open-access, independent journal that brings together academics, enthusiasts, and industry pros, supported by community fundraising instead of traditional academic publishing. They discuss ROMchip's success, its growing community, and dreams of what the future holds for the journal. You can listen to the Video Game History Hour every other Wednesday on Patreon (one day early at the $5 tier and above), on Spotify, or on our website.A full transcript of this episode is available on our website: more from Laine Nooney:Linktree: See more from ROMchip:Website:, Events, Blog: Game History Foundation:Email:
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