Hello and Welcome Back to another episode of A Wasteland Story. In this episode of the show we continue the story of our Heroine SosKaid and her trusty companion DogMeat as they head back out in the wastes to try and find the Brotherhood of Steel, hoping that they will help her upset Wrights plot in NuArk.
Filled with intrigue, dice rolls, twists and/or turns, violence, swearing and a very good boy indeed, this episode has everything you expected and more from one of the countless procedurally driven narrative audio drama set in the fallout universe.
You can get in touch with me on:
[email protected]
Links & Recs
If you would like to check out the Fallout 2D20 system for yourself you can visit the Modiphius website.
Creators that helped me discover this weird and wonderful hobby:
Man Alone
Boardgames with Thomas - Fallout Series
Geek Gamers
The Dungeon Dive
Lords of the Dungeon (The Secret Cabal)
Girls Who Don’t DnD
Me Myself & Die
Reading Materials that helped me figure out what the hell I am doing:
Mythic GM Emulator 2E
Solo Game Masters Guide - geekgamer
Music and Sound Effects in this series are credited to:
Epidemic Sound
Archive.org (public domain)
Fallout: Cascadia (see individual composers below)
And a special credit to the wonderful talent of Mark Morgan who composed the original (Fallout 1&2) soundtracks, and Inon Zur (New Vegas, Fallout Tactics, etc.) which are also available on Archive.org
Fallout: Cascadia Composers
Alex Catana - https://soundcloud.com/alexcatana
Garrett Beelow - https://soundcloud.com/garrettb
Jaimy Kortenhoff - https://soundcloud.com/see4urself
Sylwester Faustmann - https://soundcloud.com/sylwester-faustmann
Sergey Neiss - https://soundcloud.com/sergeyneiss
Kalle "TheSurpriser" Nilsson