Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to f...
Episode 129 - Untold Stories of Spec Ops K9s The toughest dogs on earth!
These guys wrote the book on special operations dogs. Shanon Krieger, Steve Zane Stoops and Mike Reaver are legends in the military police K9 world. Before them the term didn't exist. Terms like Combat Assault Dogs, Spec Ops K9, War Dogs and others were founded by the men in this interview. Best of all, the talk you're about to be. apart of has never been public. Lot's of behind the scenes dirt on what made the program great and what it needs today! The dogs of the US Special Forces comprise the toughest dogs on earth. Manstoppers, pipe hitters; dogs that do what no other dog on earth can do. Clear buildings with terrorists, save lives and keep you safe. This talk, I promise you is like NONE OTHER you've ever seen. Each of these guys has been on the podcast before, but I always wanted the DIRT, so I put them all three together and what we got is PURE GOLD! #workingdog #militarydogs #malinois
Episode 128 - German Shepherds, Jealousy and Loving Life - Avi Cohen - BEING AVI
It's always great to have Avi over and just talk. We never know where the conversation is gonna go and those are my favorite chats. I don't like scripted questions, I believe they make for phony interviews. Now-a-days everyone has a podcast, so I decided to back off on mine. My goal is to only share interesting conversations with people, the kind of conversations I'd like to listen to.. not just a talk to talk. We talked about his dog ORKAN, training, competing and his new endeavor in dog training equipment including the AC STICK. I think you'll like this chat, Avi is a favorite guest because I think our conversations are raw and real. I'm providing links to Avi's socials below as well as the AC STICK he mentions... Facebook- Instagram @avicohenrad
Episode 127 - It's All About the DOG - Oscar Mora
There are so many things Oscar and I cover in this podcast that your head will spin. From the top level competitive training to dangerous and deadly dogs. Oscar Mora is back and we have a lot to talk about. Oscar and I have been training together and filming together for a new project that will be out in the next couple of months. Besides that Oscar has been a huge help with my new puppy Schmuley and for that I am very grateful. Oscar is not only a GREAT dog trainer, but a man of his word, a man of high character and a good friend.... even though I'm old enough to be his dad! LOL! We talk about Malinois, protection dogs, sport dogs, Corsos and just about every other dog - and the conversation could go on forever! I respect Oscar's training approach as well as his character as a decent man... a family man, a competitor and a friend. Check out Oscar at the links below: IG: @oscarmorak9s web - #dogtrainer #dogtraining #doglover
Episode 126 - The English Labrador with David Latham
Dave Latham is a legend in the field of British Gun Dogs. He has bred, trained and competed with Labrador retrievers for over 40 years. He has won the prestigious IGL 4 times. That is an astounding feat. He's a most charming conversationalist and dog lover. In this chat we talk about training, breeding and competing at the very highest level. Dave is a wealth of knowledge and this makes for a very educational and fun chat, I always love our conversations -and I think you will too. You can learn more about David and his dogs on his website at: or check his Facebook here: #labrador #labradorretriever #gundogs
Episode 125 - Mission K9 Rescue - Rescuing and Reuniting Our Military Working Dogs
Mission K9 Rescue is a great organization that helps military dogs. These dogs need special help to be transported back to the USA and get reunited with their handlers. When it comes time to transporting these dogs Mission K9 steps in. They also help handlers get reunited with their canines and help get Contract Working Dogs back to the USA and adopted. It's a great mission they are doing and I really enjoyed this chat with Bob in this podcast. Check out their site here: #militarydogs #policedog #workingdog
Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more.
Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs worked with countless pet dogs with clients and has shown dogs in AKC, IPO, Mondio Ring - covering obedience, protection, conformation and more.
The guests and conversations are always engaging, interesting and fun to listen to. Robert is a dog lover first and foremost and speaks about creating a better life for dogs in each podcast.
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