Erik Kyle, publisher of Latitudes and Attitudes, and David Levesque, Editor-in-Chief, have teamed up for an all-new podcast called Three Sheets! Movers and shak...
From young love to 30,000 nautical miles of adventure and animal rescues
Join Erik and David this week as they sit down with Ryan, Brittni and Oakley from Sailing Sunday as they dive deeper into their 6 years of cruising through the Mediterranean and Caribbean with their sidekick Jackson.
Exchanging "the Matrix" for life and love on the water with the Adventure Crews!
Join Erik and David as they sit down with Cole and Emily of the Adventure Crews to learn more about their recent travels, why they decided to uproot their entire life for the cruising lifestyle and their philanthropic endeavours with Rise Grenada.
Bubbles is Back!! Chasing Bubbbles, the Adventure Continues!
This week Erik and David sit down with Joe Rust, Founder of the Chasing Bubbles Foundation, and younger brother to Captain Alex Rust from the documentary, "Chasing Bubbles", an inspirational story of an inexperienced farmboy who spent 4 years sailing the world on a derelict sailboat on a quest for the ultimate freedom.
80,000 miles and how to break a catamaran in two with Captain James of Sailing Zingaro
This week Erik and David sit down with Captain James from Sailing Zingaro. One of the OG's of the YouTube cruising life, Captain James dives into some of the adventures of his travels including a forbidden island, and what to do when your catamaran breaks in two in 20' seas.
Tales of a casual criminal with James the Sailor Man
This week, join David and Erik as they sit down with James "the Sailor Man" and Rhonda from Sailing Triteia to talk about crossing the Pacific on his $2400 1965 Alberg 30', his time in the South Pacific, New Zealand, and where they are headed next.
Erik Kyle, publisher of Latitudes and Attitudes, and David Levesque, Editor-in-Chief, have teamed up for an all-new podcast called Three Sheets! Movers and shakers, industry veterans, and influencers of all kinds relating to the cruising lifestyle are fair game in this high-spirited, fun-filled and informative adventure!