What will life be like for us when Jesus reigns on the earth? Find out with hosts Nathan Jones and Tim Moore on the television program, Christ in Prophecy!
The Coming Millennial Kingdom
What will life be like living in the Millennial Kingdom? Find out with Dr. Nathan Jones and Dr. J.B. Hixson on the Not By Works Podcast!
Egypt Crumbles and Its Future, Isaiah 19
How does Egypt fit into end time Bible prophecy? Find out with Nathan Jones and Vic Batista on the podcast, The Truth Will Set You Free!
A Spiritual Adventure in Israel
Would you like to take a spiritual adventure in Israel? Learn how with Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on Christ in Prophecy Radio!
While We Wait for Christ's Return
What should Christians be doing while we wait for Christ to return? Find out with Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on Christ in Prophecy Radio!