A participatory approach to restore bioregions. Commonland is an organization that helps facilitate multistakeholders to come together to look at how to restore the land, ecosystem, and water. It works to bring farmers, businesses, NGOs, local government, and academics together in a collaborative approach. They work to restore 100000 +hectares in a bioregion. An interview of the Climate Water ProjectCommonland (2024) The 4 Returns Framework in Practice: A guidebook for holistic landscape restoration https://4returns.commonland.com/lesson/introduction/ El marco de los 4 retornos en la práctica: Guía para la restauración holística del paisaje" https://4returns.commonland.com/es/lesson/about-the-4-returns-guidebook/ The 4 Returns Framework for Landscape Restoration. UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration Report published by Commonland, Wetlands International Landscape Finance Lab and IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management. https://www.commonland.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/4-Returns-for-Landscape-Restoration-June-2021-UN-Decade-on-Ecosystem-Restoration.pdf Using regenerative agriculture to restore the Spanish Altiplano landscape (2022) ETH Zurich https://crowtherlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Restor_Case_Study_Case-18_Spain_Hi-Rez.pdf The Spanish Altiplano Landscape Restoration (visual) https://local-heroes-alvelal.webflow.io/
Absorbing rains to bring landscapes back to life : Neal Spackman
Neal Spackman discusses his project that restored desert lands in Saudi Arabia, his work with the Great Green Wall of Africa, and eco and water restoration ideas for Spain. https://climatewaterproject.substack.com/p/absorbing-rains-to-bring-landscapes
Regenerating a farm and a semi-arid region : Silvia Quarta
La Junquera is a farm on a windswept plateau in southeastern Spain. www.lajunquera.com/ . Its part of a collective of farms and businesses called Alvelal that is working to regenerate the region. https://alvelal.es/. For more info and transcript https://climatewaterproject.substack.com/p/regenerating-a-farm-and-a-semi-arid
Regenerative tourism and regenerative water: Anna Pollock
Anna Pollock has played a significant role in launching the regenerative tourism movement. For more info see https://climatewaterproject.substack.com/p/how-eco-tourism-can-help-the-regenerative and http://www.conscious.travel/
The Joy of Restoring Water Cycles : Nick Steiner
Nick Steiner is a water management consultant at PermaNick , and works at Water Stories, which trains people in the ways of water management. For the essay on this podcast see Climate Water Project