THE podcast for force-free gundog training! Hold the Line is committed to helping you to train your dog to an advanced level, using motivational methods and wit...
Episode 126 - ticks, unfixable things and plans for the future
This episode is an assortment of amazingly interesting things. It's like a box of Quality Street, only with a lot of The Purple Ones.
Episode 125 - a dog which is under control in training, but not in trials?
A quah episode (question and answer) about a dog who is under good control in training scenarios - but out of control, in trials.
Episode 124 - Lining
In this episode, I talk about the skill and concept which is 'lining'. I introduce my new course (creatively called 'Lining') - which you can get a discount on using code Lining30
Episode 123 - force-free gundog training isn't about training 'gundog skills'
Why we need to ensure a split doesn't develop (hopefully this intrigues you enough to listen to more!)
Episode 122 - What to train puppies to do - and when
This episode is not necessarily going to provide the structure some of you really want - because I don't think that's helpful, for puppies. But it will give you some broad pointers...
THE podcast for force-free gundog training! Hold the Line is committed to helping you to train your dog to an advanced level, using motivational methods and without the use of fear. Or pain. Or anything else nasty.
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