A podcast for those who love Scripture memory, who want to memorize what matters! Join Josh Summers on his journey to memorize the New Testament of the Bible wo...
You're not alone or crazy for memorizing the Bible. Here's PROOF.
Hear from Christians around the world who have prioritized Scripture memory. How has it impacted their lives? Why do they do it year after year? If you're in need of some extra inspiration this week, you'll get plenty of it here.Don't forget:✅ Join the Community (+ 7 Day Challenge!): https://www.biblememorygoal.com/join✅ Take Bible Memory to the Next Level as a Patron: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/patron✅ Grab Josh's book Memorize What Matters: https://www.memorizewhatmatters.com/book🔹SUPPORT BIBLE MEMORY GOAL 🔹If you're one of those awesome people who understands that this "free" podcast takes time and effort to produce, there are a few ways that you can support what we're doing here:Buy the Merch! Start a conversation about your Bible memory journey with a shirt or sticker to show your love of Scripture! Become a Patron: For those who are part of our community, becoming a Patron is the best way to pay it forward for other members while gaining extra perks (live calls, mastermind groups, and more!) and access to our Bible memory training.Pay it Forward: Give any amount to help offset the costs of producing and hosting this podcast. Thank you!
How One Image Can Help You Remember an Entire Verse (w/ Drake Mariani)
Over the decades that Drake Mariani has been memorizing Scripture, he realized something important: all it takes is an image that can help jog his memory for the first couple words of a verse and then he can recite it. So he created an app called "Memlok" with the images he created. Listen to his story here!Because we spend time walking through the Memlok app, it might be helpful to watch this interview on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXQ2Wz4EFJABelow are the resources mentioned in this episode:✅ Try the Memlok app: https://memlok.com/✅ Listen to Josh's Interview on Faith & Feelings: https://www.taylorjoymurray.co/podcasts/faith-feelings/episodes/2148968693✅ Learn how to turn numbers into images with our Major System training: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/majorsystem✅ Get Josh's new book Memorize What Matters - https://www.memorizewhatmatters.com🔹SUPPORT BIBLE MEMORY GOAL 🔹If you're one of those awesome people who understands that this "free" podcast takes time and effort to produce, there are a few ways that you can support what we're doing here:Buy the Merch! Start a conversation about your Bible memory journey with a shirt or sticker to show your love of Scripture! https://bible-memory-goal.myspreadshop.com/Become a Patron: For those who are part of our community, becoming a Patron is the best way to pay it forward for other members while gaining extra perks (live calls, mastermind groups, and more!) and access to our Bible memory training. https://community.biblememorygoal.com/checkout/bible-memory-patron-plusPay it Forward: Give any amount to help offset the costs of producing and hosting this podcast. Thank you! https://www.biblememorygoal.com/support
Elementary Teacher Explains WHY Kids Memorize Faster than Adults
In elementary education, the use of "TPR" completely transforms how a child learns information and is one of the reasons why they can so easily soak up Bible verses. Listen as Sandy Hinkle from Bible Fox Learning explains her methodology and what we can take away as adults trying to memorize Scripture. Resources mentioned in this episode:✅ Visit Bible Fox Learning for resources on scripture memorization using TPRhttps://www.biblefoxlearning.com/✅ Bible Fox Learning YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@biblefoxlearning9597✅ Download the 52 Verses sheet: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52verses✅ Listen to the new Memory Moment podcast: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52podcast✅ Join our Bible memory community! https://www.biblememorygoal.com/join🔹SUPPORT BIBLE MEMORY GOAL 🔹If you're one of those awesome people who understands that this "free" podcast takes time and effort to produce, there are a few ways that you can support what we're doing here:Buy the Merch! Start a conversation about your Bible memory journey with a shirt or sticker to show your love of Scripture! Become a Patron: For those who are part of our community, becoming a Patron is the best way to pay it forward for other members while gaining extra perks (live calls, mastermind groups, and more!) and access to our Bible memory training.Pay it Forward: Give any amount to help offset the costs of producing and hosting this podcast. Thank you!
Stop Setting Goals...do THIS instead (awesome Bible memory tip!)
Most people tend to set ambitious goals for memorizing or reading the Bible in January. Inevitably, weeks or months later they abandon those goals. How can you avoid this same scenario in your faith journey? Here are some ideas.Resources mentioned in this episode:✅ Download the 52 Verses sheet: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52verses✅ Listen to the new Memory Moment podcast: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52podcast✅ Grab Keith's book, Enjoy Reading the Bible: https://geni.us/enjoy-reading-bible✅ Join our Bible memory community! https://www.biblememorygoal.com/join🔹SUPPORT BIBLE MEMORY GOAL 🔹If you're one of those awesome people who understands that this "free" podcast takes time and effort to produce, there are a few ways that you can support what we're doing here:Buy the Merch! Start a conversation about your Bible memory journey with a shirt or sticker to show your love of Scripture! Become a Patron: For those who are part of our community, becoming a Patron is the best way to pay it forward for other members while gaining extra perks (live calls, mastermind groups, and more!) and access to our Bible memory training.Pay it Forward: Give any amount to help offset the costs of producing and hosting this podcast. Thank you!
How Reviewing at Different Speeds Could Improve your Bible Memory
Most of us only review at one speed, but there are unexpected benefits to reciting your memorized Scripture at three different speeds, says Keith Ferrin, an author and Bible teacher. Be sure to join Josh and Keith for the upcoming Bible memory workshop: https://biblememoryworkshop.comHear Keith's first interview that was so popular: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dont-memorize-the-bible-do-this-instead-w-keith-ferrin/id1624868713?i=1000623405982Learn more about Keith and other resources mentioned in this episode:✅ Keith's Website - https://www.keithferrin.com/✅ Connect in the Community - https://www.biblememorygoal.com/join✅ Download "52 Verses to Memorize" - https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52verses✅ Get Josh's new book Memorize What Matters - https://www.memorizewhatmatters.com🔹SUPPORT BIBLE MEMORY GOAL 🔹If you're one of those awesome people who understands that this "free" podcast takes time and effort to produce, there are a few ways that you can support what we're doing here:Buy the Merch! Start a conversation about your Bible memory journey with a shirt or sticker to show your love of Scripture! https://bible-memory-goal.myspreadshop.com/Become a Patron: For those who are part of our community, becoming a Patron is the best way to pay it forward for other members while gaining extra perks (live calls, mastermind groups, and more!) and access to our Bible memory training. https://community.biblememorygoal.com/checkout/bible-memory-patron-plusPay it Forward: Give any amount to help offset the costs of producing and hosting this podcast. Thank you! https://www.biblememorygoal.com/support
A podcast for those who love Scripture memory, who want to memorize what matters! Join Josh Summers on his journey to memorize the New Testament of the Bible word for word, exploring various Bible memory methods and techniques along the way. If you have a desire to memorize Scripture, you'll find plenty of encouragement, inspiration and helpful tips from the expert guests who share their stories.