Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and ...
Esther’s friends beg her to consider competing to become queen. If she doesn’t, they say, the wicked Mahnoosh may win the crown and all of the girls in the harem will suffer. Esther realizes that God may have placed her in the palace for this very reason. But God’s plan for Esther extends far beyond reigning beside the king. When Esther learns that the evil prince, Haman is plotting to kill Mordecai and all of the Jews, she must decide if she will risk her own life to save her people.
The Story of Esther, Part 1
C.J. and Staci discover one of Mr. Collins’ cylinders that tells the amazing Bible story of Esther, a beautiful, young Jewish girl who God used to accomplish extraordinary things. In part one of the story, Esther is kidnapped and forced to compete in a contest to become the next queen. Realizing she might have to spend the rest of her life in the palace separated from her family and friends, Esther wonders in despair if God has forgotten about her.
C.J. Prospers
It's a battle between the 'Haves' and the 'Have-Nots'! With his father making a lot of money working for Mr. Rockler, C.J. quickly finds himself on the outs with his jealous friends. New clothes, new privileges-even Tiffany thinks C.J. is okay now! When God told us to "weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice," He didn't mean we have to be happy for C.J., or did He?View this week's Tools for Parents: "C.J. Prospers"
Powers and Principalities
Mr. Rockler's new railroad threatens to run right over The Fortress! Now the Club must band together to save it. They don't know it yet, but the battle is for much more than just their clubhouse . . . it's a spiritual battle for the future of Shadow Valley!View this week's Tools for Parents: "Powers and Principalities"
The Good Shepherd
C.J. and Ned are shepherds for a day! Really, how tough can it be? But when wolves plan an attack, C.J. and Ned learn firsthand it's not as easy as it seems. Discover how our Good Shepherd cares for His sheep.View this week's Tools for Parents: "The Good Shepherd"
Find adventure, fun, and music in Wildwood! Journey into an exciting world where the truths of God's Word are shared by a cast of lovable animal characters and the lessons learned are entertaining and life-changing. On the radio each week or in your podcast player app, Paws & Tales helps children grasp essential life lessons in a fun and memorable way.