#188 Trans quiting and community magic with Cordy of Transmissions Quilts
I am finally back with an interview for you! This was a real balm to my sore heart - lots of textile explorations, community arts magic and just true delight with Cordy of Transmissions Quilts. Tune in for encouragement, giggles and a gentle restoration of faith in humanity. Cordy says - I am a white trans quilter living in the East Bay. Alongside my quilts, I work as an arts educator and childcare worker primarily with trans teens and queer families. I hope to exist in a lineage that sees quilts as radical objects that not only represent our collective hunger for freedom but also, through making them, allow us to take active steps towards that freedom. I come from a bloodline that has largely forgotten its creativity and I am interested in resuscitating that, starting in myself. I’m trying to move slower and talk less. One current poetic guide is Chessy Normile.https://transquilts.net/https://www.instagram.com/coanofsilence/
Grief journal #9 finding balance with minimalism, maximalism & life
Welcome back, I'm still here and still grieving, thank you for joining me in this weird and wonderful process. For this episode I had a beautiful listener question about finding balance and seeking simplicity when you're also kind of a maximalist in some areas of your life.
You can send me a question over here: https://www.speakpipe.com/YarrowM
And you can join my Substack and Spark sessions over here: https://yarrow.substack.com/
Grief journal #8 How creativity can heal (and harm)
I received a really good question about how creativity can heal or harm from a listener and am answering the best I can! I talk about how being creative makes me feel, key creative experiences and also ways in which structural problems show up in creative practice.
I would love to hear from you if you have a question for me too: https://www.speakpipe.com/YarrowM
and you can join my Substack and Spark Sessions over here: https://yarrow.substack.com/
Grief journal #7 - wanting more simplicity and planning a low buy year
In this episode I am talking about craving even more simplicity in my life, decluttering really hard and planning for a low buy year. I pulled everything out of my wardrobe again, sold a whole bunch and made a few well considered purchases. I feel peaceful in my commitment to buy very little next year and really hopeful to grow as a maker and learn more about why I buy for comfort and how I might shift that.
You can join my Substack and the free Spark sessions over here: https://yarrow.substack.com/
Grief journal #6 - not everyone gets it
In this episode I am catching up with you, fellow grievers or curious podcast listeners, about entering a new phase of grief, preparing for the holidays and imagining a new kind of future. I hope that it makes you feel gotten, even if not everyone gets it.
You're welcome to join our Spark sessions here: https://yarrow.substack.com/