“What is the gospel?” Responses continuously return to an inward-looking faith instead of a faith that clings externally to the astonishing mercy of Christ Jesu...
Yes, but how do we know that we believe the truth? What even is truth? Well, John--the apostle who saw Jesus with his own eyes--testifies with the words of the Spirit of truth. Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: The Impossible Prize: A Theology of Addiction by Donavan Riley Ditching the Checklist by Mark Mattes Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, Book 1 of 2 by Amy Mantravadi More from the hosts: Troy Neujahr Craig Donofrio
300th episode extravaganza! . . . or perhaps not
It's the For You Radio 300th episode extravaganza! That is, if you take out the word "extravaganza" and instead put in the words "Craig, Troy, and Vicar Mike talk, play, and bring God's word to you." You know . . . pretty much like every other episode. 1 John 3:11-24 Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Pre-order: Ditching the Checklist by Mark Mattes Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, Book 1 of 2 by Amy Mantravadi Bible in One Year with Chad Bird Junk Drawer Jesus By Matt Popovits Take 20% Off Our Lenten Devotionals until March 5th: The Sinner/Saint Lenten Devotional Finding Christ in the Straw: A Forty-Day Devotion on the Epistle of James More from the hosts: Troy Neujahr Craig Donofrio
Who are you, really?
Michael "The Golden-Mourthed Orator" Baumgarn joins Craig and Troy for a study of 1 John chapter 3. What does it mean to be children of God? What does it mean to be a sinner? Are those compatible identities? Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Pre-order: Ditching the Checklist by Mark Mattes Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, Book 1 of 2 by Amy Mantravadi Bible in One Year with Chad Bird Junk Drawer Jesus By Matt Popovits Take 20% Off Our Lenten Devotionals until March 5th: The Sinner/Saint Lenten Devotional Finding Christ in the Straw: A Forty-Day Devotion on the Epistle of James More from the hosts: Troy Neujahr Craig Donofrio
Anti-Christ, Antichrist, and antichrists
Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Pre-order: Ditching the Checklist by Mark Mattes Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, Book 1 of 2 by Amy Mantravadi Bible in One Year with Chad Bird Junk Drawer Jesus By Matt Popovits Take 20% Off Our Lenten Devotionals until March 5th: The Sinner/Saint Lenten Devotional Finding Christ in the Straw: A Forty-Day Devotion on the Epistle of James More from the hosts: Troy Neujahr Craig Donofrio
Little children, fathers, and young men . . .
Show Notes: Support 1517 Podcast Network 1517 Podcasts 1517 on Youtube 1517 Podcast Network on Apple Podcasts 1517 Events Schedule 1517 Academy - Free Theological Education What’s New from 1517: Pre-order: Ditching the Checklist by Mark Mattes Broken Bonds: A Novel of the Reformation, Book 1 of 2 by Amy Mantravadi Bible in One Year with Chad Bird Junk Drawer Jesus By Matt Popovits Take 20% Off Our Lenten Devotionals until March 5th: The Sinner/Saint Lenten Devotional Finding Christ in the Straw: A Forty-Day Devotion on the Epistle of James More from the hosts: Troy Neujahr Craig Donofrio
“What is the gospel?” Responses continuously return to an inward-looking faith instead of a faith that clings externally to the astonishing mercy of Christ Jesus, who took the sin
of the world into Himself on the cross and breathed out His life for and onto His creation. In this act of
sacrifice, Jesus is indeed the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Through His resurrection,
Jesus Christ has given His promise of eternal life in Him.