On Repentance (Homily from Great Lent) - St. John of Kronstadt
A homily to stir up our hard hearts to sincerely repent, both now, wherever we are, and before our priest where we receive reconciliation with Christ and the Church.Reading from: Season of Repentance: Lenten Homilies of Saint John of Kronstadt, p. 76-81📖 Season of Repentance: Lenten Homilies of Saint John of Kronstadthttps://bookstore.jordanville.org/9780884653844📖 My Life in Christ by St. John of Kronstadthttps://bookstore.jordanville.org/my-life-in-christ-Hardcover📖 The Life of Saint John of Kronstadthttps://www.bostonmonks.com/product_info.php/products_id/986?srsltid=AfmBOooRVQ-AviJsWWeLqIOZ2qhT6w-7YTpOEEjKKMnVb_k_wRxJ4x2M🎧 Difficulties in Prayer - St. John of Kronstadthttps://youtu.be/9b6nz3ZfJCs🎧 What Has the Feast of Pascha Left In Our Souls? - St. John of Kronstadthttps://youtu.be/uWCkPqxuBt8⛪ FIND an Orthodox parish and monastery near you: https://orthodox-world.org/https://orthodoxyinamerica.org/_______St. John teaches:What is required of a repentant person is compunction for his sins, the intention to correct his life, faith in Christ, and hope in His mercy.A great number of people come to confession with complete indifference in their souls, and, if they were not asked anything, they would either say nothing, or would speak very generally about how they "are sinful, spiritual father, having committed every sin." If only they said that in sincere recognition of their guilt, but no, what is worse, they say that without any conscience of their sins, and often they do it so that confession will be over quickly. Beloved! Let us not turn God's deed of extreme mercy toward us sinners into an occasion for God's wrath. Why are we so insensitive?! Have we nothing to regret during confession?!Can you not see your sins? Pray to God, so that He will grant you to see them; it is not in vain that you have often repeated after the priest in Church: Lord! Grant me to see my failings!The intention to correct his life is also required of the repentant person; pay attention to this. On your way to confession, tell yourself: after confession I will try with all my strength to correct my life from all the sins of which I wish to repent. I will deceive myself no more;I will not lie to God, nor will I insult again the mystery of repentance. Help me, Lord; strengthen the powers of my soul, Lord!Finally, a repentant person also must have faith in Christ and hope in His mercy. Every person who approaches confession must believe that during the Mystery Christ Himself stands invisibly and receives his confession; he must believe that only Christ can forgive sins, as He, through His suffering, through His Most-Pure Blood, and through His death, obtained for Himself from the Heavenly Father the right to forgive us all our transgressions without insulting the divine justice, and that He, according to His mercy, is always ready to forgive our every sin, if only we confess them with heartfelt compunction and have the intention to be better from now on, and to have faith in Him in our hearts. “Your faith has made you well. Go in peace” (Mark 5:34). He speaks within each person who repents as he should, after receiving absolution from the priest.Let us all repent with pure hearts; let us all take care to correct our lives; let us bring to God the fruits of repentance. Amen._______Orthodox Wisdom is dedicated to sharing the writings and lives of the Saints of the Orthodox Church. Glory to Jesus Christ!