Short Somali Stories for children. In each episode there is something that children could learn.
Sheekooyin Soomaaliyeed oo carruurta loo turjumay, sheeko kasta...
This episode is Ramadan special, the struggle of fasting as a young adult
Marki koowad Somali Adayo
Translated short Somali Stories for children. In each episode there is something that children could learn.
Sheekooyin Soomaaliyeed oo carruurta loo turjumay, sheeko kasta waxa jira wax ay carruurtu baran karaan.
You can get activity sheets for each episode.
Maxamed waxa oo fahmay
Our original short Somali Stories for children are here , In each episode there is something that children could learn.
Sheekooyin Soomaaliyeed oo carruurta loo talagalay, sheeko kasta waxa jira wax ay carruurtu baran karaan.
You can get activity sheets for each episode.
iPadka sida aa o isticmaalo
We hope you enjoy this epiesode, if you are would like to get access to free activitiy sheets, you can get it threw here.
Waxaan rajaynaynaa inaad ku raaxaysato dhacdadan, haddii aad jeclaan lahayd inaad hesho xaashida dhaqdhaqaaqa bilaashka ah, waxaad heli kartaa inay halkan ku tuurto.
Short Somali Stories for children. In each episode there is something that children could learn.
Sheekooyin Soomaaliyeed oo carruurta loo turjumay, sheeko kasta waxa jira wax ay carruurtu baran karaan.
You can get activity sheets for each episode.