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The Mater Podcast

Podcast The Mater Podcast
Maddie Rose Hills
The Mater Podcast explores materials through the eyes of artists and researchers. Host Maddie Rose Hills invites two guests to speak together about a material c...

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  • Wabi Sabi with Bosco Sodi & Alberto Ríos de la Rosa
    Bosco Sodi: https://www.instagram.com/studioboscosodi/?hl=enhttps://www.boscosodi.com/Alberto Rios de la Rosa: https://www.instagram.com/ariosdel/?hl=enCasa Wabi: https://casawabi.org/en/Mater Website: https://mater.digital/Mater Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mater________/?hl=enBosco Sodi is an artist known for his richly textured, vividly coloured large-scale paintings. Born in Mexico City. Bosco Sodi has discovered an emotive power within the essential crudeness of the materials that he uses to execute his paintings. Focusing on the spiritual connection between the artist and his work, Sodi seeks to transcend conceptual barriers. In 2014 he founded the non-profit art centre Fundacion Casa Wabi in Mexico’s Puerto Escondido. Alberto Ríos de la Rosa is a Mexican art historian. He currently serves as a curator at the PAC ART Residency in Houston and as curator of the International Biennial of Artsand Cultures of Antioquia for the World 2025, Colombia. His academic background includes a Master's in Art History from The Courtauld Institute of Art, London (2014), and a Bachelor's in Art History and French Literature from Macalester College, Minneapolis (2011).From 2014 to 2023, he worked as a curator at the Casa Wabi Foundation, where he curated solo exhibitions for artists like Daniel Buren, Michel François, Harold Ancart,Jannis Kounellis, Ugo Rondinone, Izumi Kato, Huma Bhabha, and Claudia Comte. He also directed the residency program in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca and Tokyo, facilitating participation of over three hundred art professionals from around the world in community projects. Additionally, he promoted emerging Mexican artists through thefoundation's exhibition platform in Mexico City.Previously, he was part of the curatorial teams at Museo Tamayo in Mexico (2011- 2013), the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in the United States (2011), and the PeggyGuggenheim Collection in Venice (2010). Through his work, he continues to make significant contributions to the field of art history and curation, fostering cultural exchange and promoting both established and emerging artists on an international scale.Fundación Casa Wabi is a non-profit, civil association that fosters an exchange between contemporary art and local communities in three locations: Puerto Escondido, Mexico City, and Tokyo. Casa Wabi statement: "Our name originates from the Japanese philosophy of Wabi-Sabi, which seeks beauty and harmony in the simple, the imperfect and the unconventional. Our mision is focused on forging social development through the arts, which we carry out through five key programs: residencies, exhibitions, clay, films, and mobile library. Casa Wabi is located on the Pacific coast, 30 minutes from the Puerto Escondido airport, Oaxaca. Set between the mountains and the sea, our headquarters have been designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando and under the initiative of Mexican artist Bosco Sodi. Our facilities include a multipurpose palapa, six separate bedrooms, two closed studios and six open studios, a screening room, / auditorium, a 450 m² exhibition gallery and various workspaces that make it an ideal place to recharge and interact with other artists." Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
  • Aquatic Encounters with Hannah Pezzack & Anastasia (A) Alevtin
    Hannah Pezzack is a writer, editor, and curator. Drawing on sonic knowledge, ecology, and the politics of intimacy, she regards language and sound as deeply intertwined sensory and embodied mediums. She is currently a junior curator at Sonic Acts – an art, theory, and technology biennial – and is the assistant editor of Ecoes, a bi-annual magazine about ‘art in the age of pollution’, published by Sonic Acts Press. A lot of her work has been about relational ontologies – thinking about human and non-human exchanges and how we might be able to challenge the hierarchies and binaries between them. Hannah has suggested Anastasia (A) Alevtin as our second guest for this conversation.. (A) is - a theorist, writer, and artist whose work scrutinises how dominant Western politics of structural marginalisation is lived and quietly subverted in one’s daily anti-ableist, migratised, and non-binary communities and multispecies kinships. In their artistic practice, they work with text, textile, performance, aesthetic gestures, and collective readings. With the support of the Finnish Institute in the UK & Ireland, Art Promotion Centre Finland and Glasgow Seed Library, they are developing Dormancy, Reseeding, and Resistance. The project engages with communal gardening, seed-saving practices and grandmothering in the contexts of anti-ableism and food in/security, specifically lived by chronically sick and other precarious bodies in Turku, Vantaa, and Glasgow.Links Hannah Pezzack on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hanapezzack/Anastasia (A) Alevtin: On Instgram: https://www.instagram.com/awaitingbody/Anastasia’s website: https://soundcloud.com/mutantradio/scrying-the-landscape-w-dim-garden-071124?ref=clipboard&p=i&c=0&si=81A0A022125347DE91651223A8CE1B71&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharingAquatic Encounters book: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/Aquatic-Encounters-A-Glossary-of-Hydrofeminisms-by-Anastasia-A-Khodyreva-editor-Elina-Suoyrj-editor/9789527258262Noise Summer School: https://graduategenderstudies.nl/education/noise-summer-school/Sonic Acts: https://www.sonicacts.com/Astrida Neimanis - Hydrofeminism or on becoming a body of water. Astrida Neimanis - Post-humanist phenomenologyHannah Interviewing Astrida Neimannis for Sonic Acts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6B5RESGwFYHannah Rowan: https://www.instagram.com/rowanhannah/?hl=enAnne Imhof - One: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s27gmjB8gdwFind Mater on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/mater________/?hl=enFind the commissioned essays on The Mater Website: https://mater.digital/about/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
  • Material Literacy & Motherhood with Ellie Barrett
    An EPIC conversation with Ellie Barrett. We delve into the philosophical and artistic histories of materials. We talk about Ellie’s art practice working with various materials and in collaboration with both her mum and daughter.. Ellie is a sculptor, practice-based researcher, writer, academic and artist-mother, who is invested in exploring sculpture as a collaborative discipline. Using material engagement as a means of activating different circumstances and experiences as sites for making. She is an advocate for artist-m*thers. The PhD: https://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/id/eprint/152305/1/2020BarrettPhD.pdfE.Barrett’s website: https://elliebarrett.com/Put It To Work: https://putittowork.wordpress.com/E.Barrett’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elliecbarrett/?hl=en-gbLinks to sited texts and works (in order of mention)Aristotle’s Hylomorphism: https://metaphysicsjournal.com/articles/10.5334/met.2New Materialism: https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780190221911/obo-9780190221911-0016.xmlMaterial Literacy, A.S.Lehmann: https://www.academia.edu/35213411/A_Lehmann_Material_Literacy_Bauhaus_Zeitschrift_Nr_9_2017_20_27Glitter with R.Coleman and N.Seymour, The Mater Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-mater-podcast/id1749226924?i=1000670752060O. Bax: https://www.oliviabax.co.uk/R.Molloy: https://www.artthou.co.uk/editorial/12/rebecca-molloyJ. Shannon The Disappearance of Objects: https://www.abebooks.co.uk/9780300137064/Disappearance-Objects-New-York-Art-0300137060/plpThe Goat, R.Rauschenberg: https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/article/rauschenberg-goatDominique White: https://blackdominique.com/E.Barrett Salt Dough Exhibition: https://elliebarrett.com/explain-things-to-me/J.Bennett Vibrant Matter: https://www.dukeupress.edu/vibrant-matterC.Oldenburg, London Knees: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/77314Object Oriented Feminism: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctt1g2knjgObject Oriented Onology: https://www.artspace.com/magazine/interviews_features/the_big_idea/a-guide-to-object-oriented-ontology-art-53690Lion Salt Works: https://lionsaltworks.westcheshiremuseums.co.uk/about-us/Art & Agency by A.Gell: https://monoskop.org/images/archive/4/4d/20150328075023%21Gell_Alfred_Art_and_Agency_An_Anthropological_Theory.pdfSPACE podcast: https://spacestudios.org.uk/events/out-of-space-episode-4-looking-after-the-art/Bad Vibes Club - Ten Texts on Sculpture, Maintenance: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/ten-texts-on-sculpture-10-maintenance/id1220925467?i=1000659524759E.Thomas: https://www.herts.ac.uk/uhbow/students/meet-the-artist-elly-thomasE.Thomas, Play and the Artist’s Creative Process: https://www.worldofbooks.com/en-gb/products/play-and-the-artists-creative-process-book-elly-thomas-9781032178370E.Barrett’s, Processes and Forms for Artist-Motherhood, In Situ residency text: https://www.in-situ.org.uk/post/in-residence-ellie-barrett-and-nora-2-yrsK.Barad, Meeting the Universe Halfway: https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv12101zqE.Barrett, The Sculpture Kit: https://elliebarrett.com/the-sculpture-kit/R.Morris: https://www.artnews.com/art-in-america/features/robert-morris-62842/B.Le Va: https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/barry-le-va-dead-post-minimalist-sculptor-1234582161/H.Judah, How not to exclude artist mothers and other parents: https://www.hettiejudah.co.uk/how-not-to-exclude-artist-mothers-and-other-parentsE.Barrett’s w/ mum and daughter: https://putittowork.wordpress.com/2023/08/26/how-to-work-as-a-mum/Hand-made Soft Play: https://elliebarrett.com/handmade-soft-play/E.Barrett, Vibrancy and Natural Dyeing: https://putittowork.wordpress.com/2023/09/20/agency-and-natural-dyeing/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
  • Material Curiosity with Bisila Noha & Simone Brewster
    An amazing conversation with Bisila Noha & Simone Brewster Bisila is an artist working predominantly with clay, with a background in Translation and International Relations. She writes about ceramics, crafts, identity and design, and has a particular interest in the contributions of women of colour to the history of art and craft. Her words are a bridge bringing the past - the forgotten, the ignored, and the belittled - to the present.Bisila suggested we are joined in conversation by artist, designer & cultural change-maker Simone Brewster. Strongly grounded in craft, Simone’s practice includes painting, sculpture, jewellery and writing, Using her creative outputs as her voice, celebrating and sharing windows into varied Black female narratives and histories. The threads that flow throughout her work display a balance of function with beauty, a repurposing of the “ethnic” and the “western” and a continuous playing with scale, materiality and architectural form. LinksBisila Noha InstagramSimone Brewster InstagramBisila’s blog post about translationBisila Noha Baney clay projectNegress and MammyWoman In PartsSimone’s solo exhibitionSpirit of PlaceV&A porcelain sugar holderUrsula K le Guin, Carrier Bag Theory of FictionElizabeth Fisher's best-known work is Women's Creation: Sexual Evolution and the Shaping of Society. The 7th chapter The Carrier Bag Theory of Evolution inspired Le GuinLydia Yuknavich talking about The Carrier Back Theory of Fiction Frank Gehry, a Canadian architect, famously said, “Decoration is a sin, expression is in materials”Truth to materials - ‘A belief that the form of a work of art should be inseparably related to the material in which it is made’. Slow Motion Multi Tasking, Tim HarfordFollow Mater on InstagramThe Mater website Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
  • Collaborative Making with Hannah Lees & May Hands
    I am joined by two UK-based artists Hannah Lees and May Hands. The two have recently undertaken their second collaborative project together, titled ‘Self can shade off into otherness gradually’. The project was held at VOLT gallery, run by Devonshire Collective in Eastbourne.Hannah Lees investigates ideas of cycles, constancy and mortality; the sense that things come to an end and the potential for new beginnings. This constancy, be it in religion, science, history or in organic matter, is visible in her practice through her attempts to make sense of and recognise traces of life. Traditional processes, materials and rituals are often reworked to explore how ideas and beliefs can live, die and be reborn across times and cultures.May Hands explores how our relationship with materiality shapes our understanding of the world. She documents and collects observations of the world around her through traditional craft-based techniques and the collecting and reinterpreting of objects. Reflecting upon seasonal cycles, sensuality and the inherently curated aspect of our everyday consumptions, her work questions how society constructs and articulates value and desire.LinksVolt Gallery: https://www.devonshirecollective.co.uk/about/exhibitions-at-voltDevonshire Collective: https://www.devonshirecollective.co.uk/https://www.instagram.com/devonshirecollective/Hannah and May:https://www.instagram.com/hannahjlees/https://www.instagram.com/may_hands/Collective Ending: https://www.collectivending.com/https://www.instagram.com/collectivending/Green screen refrigerator action Mark Leckey: https://markleckey.com/IMGs-2010Primitive Technology - send to May. can she share a video of the person making cordage. Funny that they are often menman on YouTube - video of him making a furnace and also cordage Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Over The Mater Podcast

The Mater Podcast explores materials through the eyes of artists and researchers. Host Maddie Rose Hills invites two guests to speak together about a material central to their practice. We will be speaking with seed keepers, artists, geographers, media theorists, writers, philosophers, archaeologists, and curators about the materials that fascinate them. The podcast is created off the back of Mater, a research project initiated by Maddie in 2021. Mater commissions new writing on the subject of materials, as well as hosting artist interviews and exhibitions. More at @mater________ & https://mater.digital/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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