Beyond UX Design’s mission is to give you the tools you need to be a truly effective UX designer by diving into the soft skills they won’t be teaching you in sc...
109. Personas vs Jobs to Be Done: A UX Showdown with Jen Blatz
Join us for a thought-provoking discussion with Jen Blatz as we reimagine the role of personas in UX design. Discover how the Jobs to Be Done framework can lead to more meaningful, user-centric strategies that align with real-world needs.
The post 109. Personas vs Jobs to Be Done: A UX Showdown with Jen Blatz appeared first on Beyond UX Design.
Cognition Catalog: Curse of Knowledge
We tend to underestimate how our accumulated knowledge influences our perception and communication. This makes it challenging for us to share information effectively with others with different backgrounds or expertise.
The post Cognition Catalog: Curse of Knowledge appeared first on Beyond UX Design.
Introducing the Cognition Catalog!
Explore the cognitive biases plaguing your team with our series, inspired by the Cognitive Bias Codex. Each week, discover a new bias with insights and examples for the entire software team. Subscribe now to stay up to date on this enlightening journey.
The post Introducing the Cognition Catalog! appeared first on Beyond UX Design.
108. Unlocking Career Success with Human Connections
This week we chat with Matthew McPhail, UX principal at Home Depot, about the critical role of relationships in building great software. Discover how fostering trust, empathy, and respect can transform your work environment and propel your career forward faster.
The post 108. Unlocking Career Success with Human Connections appeared first on Beyond UX Design.
Happy New Year!
I can't believe another year has come and gone, but here we are! Last year was a wild ride for me professionally and personally. Lots of ups and downs, but I'm excited for another year. Are you ready?
The post Happy New Year! appeared first on Beyond UX Design.
Beyond UX Design’s mission is to give you the tools you need to be a truly effective UX designer by diving into the soft skills they won’t be teaching you in school or a boot camp. These soft skills are critical for your success as a UX professional.