The curtain is pulled back and our pants are down. Enjoy an entire season's worth of gaffes and stumbles, humbly presented for your listening delight! Thanks for listening!
This reel features...
Alan MooreBrandon KraemerBrittany MichelDana SwansonEli BanksJoshua SibleyLiz MackeStephen MankTaylor RoyChristina RomoDenise Farley-GardnerDan AlmasyZack Overton
Sound design by Stephen Mank
“(Theme From) Dark Ages” written and performed by J. Christopher Arrison and produced by Brent Busby
Produced and edited by Liz Macke
Series created and "directed" by Brandon Kraemer
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12. The End of All Things (aka The Heart of the Museum)
Forces clash. Tables turn. Things end.
Episode 12 of DARK AGES features…
Alan Moore as The Dark Lord, Edmund and the Cackling DemonsBrandon Kraemer as Nick, Security Camden, Goblin General, and Goblin EnriqueBrittany Michel as Josephine and Goblin SquelcholioDana Swanson as Malison, Drusila, Corporal Danno, and Goblin BooglerEli Banks as Abraxas, the Narrator, and Goblin Grok Joshua Sibley as Marwood, Security Cameron, the Singing Sword, Goblin Barstucks, and Goblin CrookleyLiz Macke as the Tour Golem and DeathStephen Mank as Cyril, Sean, the Night Janitor, and Goblin Orgluck Taylor Roy as "Todd"Christina Romo as StevieDenise Farley-Gardner as Chantal/AstridDan Almasy as Talon RiptonZack Overton as the Afterburner
Episode 12 was written by Brandon Kraemer
Sound design by Stephen Mank
Original music by Stephen Mank and Christopher Taylor
“(Theme From) Dark Ages” written and performed by J. Christopher Arrison and produced by Brent Busby
Special thanks to Cody DeMatteis
Produced and edited by Liz Macke
Series created and directed by Brandon Kraemer
Subscribe to Dark Ages on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Follow us on Twitter at @DarkAgesShow for updates and behind the scene tidbits.
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11. Dark Comes to Light (aka The Timbered Tablets)
With the Tour Golem on lockdown and the mysteries piling up, the museum staff splits the party (oh, you fools) to seek answers before the other, heavily implied, world-ending boot drops. For their sake AND ours, let's just hope it's not already too late... Boy, that would be bad, wouldn't it?
Episode 11 of DARK AGES features...
Alan Moore as The Dark Lord and EdmundBrandon Kraemer as Nick, Security Camden, and Goblin GeneralBrittany Michel as Josephine and FlayDana Swanson as Malison and DrusilaEli Banks as Abraxas, the Narrator and Bellow Joshua Sibley as Marwood, Thunk, and Security CameronLiz Macke as the Tour Golem Stephen Mank as Cyril, Sean, and the Night Janitor Taylor Roy as ToddChristina Romo as StevieDenise Farley-Gardner as Chantal/AstridDan Almasy as Talon Ripton
Episode 11 was written by Brandon Kraemer
Sound design by Stephen Mank
Original music by Stephen Mank and Christopher Taylor
“(Theme From) Dark Ages” written and performed by J. Christopher Arrison and produced by Brent Busby
Special thanks to Cody DeMatteis
Produced and edited by Liz Macke
Series created and directed by Brandon Kraemer
Subscribe to Dark Ages on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Follow us on Twitter at @DarkAgesShow for updates and behind the scene tidbits.
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10. The Lesson Plan (aka The Tome)
It has come to the attention of the management of the Rivercliffe Museum of Mostly Natural Histories that MOST of the staff knows absolutely NOTHING about basic world history. You can see the problem, surely. As such, we hope you will join the curator, Marwood, for a comprehensive and 100% mandatory refresher on everything important that has ever happened, magical or otherwise, since the dawn of time. Oh, and you may want to bring a pen and paper. There's always a test...
Episode 10 of DARK AGES features...
Dana Swanson as Malison, Vanthony, and Goblin BooglerJoshua Sibley as Marwood and the Singing SwordStephen Mank as the Tome, Vaniel, and the Mysterious Cult Leader Brittany Michel as Josephine and PeasantEli Banks as Abraxas, the Narrator and Goblin AttaboyAlan Moore as The Dark Lord and EdmundBrandon Kraemer as NickLiz Macke as the Tour Golem
Episode 10 was written by Brandon Kraemer, with additional writing by Liz Macke
Sound design by Stephen Mank
Original music by Stephen Mank and Christopher Taylor
"A little More Time" written by Liz Macke and Stephen Mank
“(Theme From) Dark Ages” written and performed by J. Christopher Arrison and produced by Brent Busby
Special thanks to Cody DeMatteis
Produced and edited by Liz Macke
Series created and directed by Brandon Kraemer
Subscribe to Dark Ages on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Follow us on Twitter at @DarkAgesShow for updates and behind the scene tidbits.
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9. Fired Up (aka The Afterburner)
Rivercliffe has been hit by a sub-zero cold snap, but you'd hardly notice in the museum. Staff tempers are flaring up and arguments are growing so heated that it's no wonder when Nick actually takes Abraxas's bait and agrees to fix the furnace. All he has to do is navigate the labyrinth of sub-basements...and figure out exactly why their mysterious furnace is on the fritz in the first place.
Episode 9 of DARK AGES features...
Brandon Kraemer as NickZack Overton as the AfterburnerEli Banks as the Narrator and AbraxasBrittany Michel as JosephineAlan Moore as the Dark Lord and EdmundDana Swanson as Malison and the Weird CultistJoshua Sibley as MarwoodTaylor Roy as ToddDenise Farley Gardner as "Chantal Cleansworthy"Stephen Mank as the Mysterious Cult LeaderLiz Macke as the Tour Golem
Episode 9 was written by Brandon Kraemer, with additional writing by Liz Macke
Edited by Liz Macke
Sound design by Stephen Mank
Original music by Christopher Taylor and Stephen Mank
“(Theme From) Dark Ages” written and performed by J. Christopher Arrison and produced by Brent Busby
Story elements by Alan Moore, Christina Romo, Denise Farley Gardner, Joshua Sibley and Liz Macke
Produced by Liz Macke
Series created and directed by Brandon Kraemer
Subscribe to Dark Ages on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you find your podcasts.
Follow us on Twitter at @DarkAgesShow for updates and behind the scene tidbits.
Find full episodes and more at