Welcome to God Behind Bars, a podcast where we explore the intersection of faith and incarceration. Join our CEO and Founder, Jake Bodine, as we take you inside...
NFL hopeful, Opioid addict, finding Jesus in Jail - Markus Mcfolling Story
Once addicted to drugs & now preaching the gospel in prisons. On June 16, 2017, Markus went from being a pro football player to sitting in jail. After growing up in inner city CA, he was all too familiar with fatherlessness, poverty, and gangs. He tried to fill the voids he felt in his life with the game of football and eventually went pro. But when he experienced a career ending shoulder injury, all he knew crashed around me. Without football, he felt no purpose and no identity and became addicted to taking the pain medication prescribed to him. In 2 years, he had become a completely deceived drug addict, broken inside. He lied, manipulated, and even used false identities to get what he thought he needed. After seeing 38 doctors for 59 prescriptions in just a few months, his wife left and took his daughter with her, and he found himself inside a jail cell.BUT GOD…“I didn’t want my life anymore so I gave it to someone who did. It took me losing everything to realize that everything I ever needed was Jesus. I pleaded guilty to all my charges and the judge had mercy on me and sent me to rehab. From that day on, Jesus transformed my life, called me Son, restored my family, and now I get to travel the country and tell people about the man I fell in love with and saved me from deception!”Connect with us on social! @godbehindbars @jake_bodine
We traveled to Washington, D.C., for an exclusive interview with Chaplain Houston of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Throughout his career, Chaplain Houston has guided hundreds of men to faith in Jesus. Now, thanks to the fulfillment of a prophetic word spoken over his life, he serves as the Head Chaplain of the FBOP. Don’t miss his incredible story!Today we’re introducing you to the Community Reentry Network (CRN) and the Federal Bureau of Prison's volunteering program. What’s the CRN?The Community Reentry Network (CRN) is made up of over 3,500 faith-based organizations that offer everything from prayer to legal services to returning citizens. Listen to this interview with Chaplain Houston, national coordinator for the CRN, where he talks about the power you can bring this community. It's a great opportunity to open your doors. https://crn.reentry.gov/crn/s/Volunteer with the FBOPYou can also share your strength with men and women while they're still in custody. Federal prison has over 200 volunteer programs listed on their official Inside Influence site – all you have to do is find one that speaks to you and sign up.https://volunteer.reentry.gov/Volunteer/s/opportunity-search?utm_medium=partner&utm_term=opportunities&utm_source=gbb_emailblastConnect with us on social! @godbehindbars @jake_bodine
In this episode we connect with Shawn Serfass who went from drug dealing to leading a ministry called Second Chance Mentors. Grew up with a normal family but after getting introduced to cocaine in college his world went down a slippery slope. Kicked out of college and later kicked out of the marines, Shawn made the decision to dive into a drug operation. Where he found success he found his world without success and decided to step away, but charges still found their way to lock him up. Losing his time with his family he decided to take the time locked up to improve himself. Shawn met God and worked to encourage others with the word with small groups. Years later, Shawn served his time and now leads Second Chance Mentors where underprivileged without their fathers can have a resource to get them ready with the world.Connect with us on social! @godbehindbars @jake_bodine
Francie Dog Chapman | Family Ab*se, Neglect, Su*cide - FREEDOM IN CHRIST | God Behind Bars Podcast
Francie Dog Chapman found out she was adopted in her late teens and her life completely unraveled. She walked through abuse in her adopted family, neglect in her real family, and decided to end her life... But Jesus found her and called her to a life of freedom in Himself! Now Francie has one mission, to spread the love of Jesus wherever she goes... Including prisons!Connect with us on social! @godbehindbars @jake_bodine
5 Year Conviction but Jesus - Dog The Bounty Hunter Story
Dog The Bounty Hunter grew up in an ab*sive home. He started running with a motorcycle gang in his teens. One night changed his life... He was CONVICTED of 5 years in prison for HOMIC*DE. Unknowingly, he was the getaway driver in a m*rder. During his time in prison, he rose in the ranks with the incarcerated and the prison staff. He also began cultivating a walk with Jesus... Dog was once a convict but now he is an ICON telling people about Jesus... He now goes into prisons and preaches the gospel to the very same men that he threw in prison. Connect with us on social! @godbehindbars @jake_bodine
Welcome to God Behind Bars, a podcast where we explore the intersection of faith and incarceration. Join our CEO and Founder, Jake Bodine, as we take you inside prisons across the U.S. and have candid conversations with current and former inmates, Department of Corrections officials, and other various other guests and discuss why we believe God belongs in prison. Tune in every other week and be encouraged by stories of faith, resilience, and the transformative power of God behind prison walls.