State of the Deck : Elves- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
As we roll towards the 2025 edition of the North American Premodern Championships this May, we start a new series to look into popular archtypes with there renowned pilots and see where we are at.We are join by Michael, Nick and Chris to discuss the Elves and there place in the meta.Elves Discord:
All the Moggs Come Marching in w/ The Mogg Squad- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Today we are joined by Noah, Ethan, Oliver and Luke as we discuss the last Misty Mountain event, various Mogg squad thoughts and reintroduce Madison to the Premodern Stage.
The Dr. is in w/ Rich Shay- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Today we sit down with the amazing Rich Shay for a longer and relaxed conversation spanning plenty of the Magic world. Please excuse my cold if it crops up, tried to get it all but none the less, we push on.
A Premodern Topic Tour w/ Gary Roth- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Today we sit down with Mr. Gary Roth, white weenie expert, Premodern Dan Dan Enthusiast and PSL competitor for a Premodern Topic tour. Enjoy the conversation.
A Primer on Premodern White Weenie
White Weenie to 4-0 at Friday Night Premodern Magic
A Primer on Premodern Tribe Combo
My Premodern Dandan list/photo
Pack Fresh PM League and All-Star Tournament
Everyone needs a spicy Goblin or two w/ Brandon Econ- I've Got ?????'s, A Premodern Podcast
Today we speak with Brandon Econ, who took down the November Monthly with Rb Goblins.