The weekly message from our local church, Jesus Culture Sacramento, a community of believers passionate about raising up leaders to impact every realm of societ...
Jesus has the power to run everything from governments to galaxies, but at the center of who He is and what He does is the church. Pastor Jeremy Johnson, Lead Pastor of Fearless Church in Los Angeles, reminds us that we are called to be a part of a family of believers that look and sound like Jesus. We can’t say we love God and not love His bride, the Church.
Name Droppin'
Understanding the names of God gives us access to the power of God revealed in the name. God names himself for a reason. Pastor Brandon Cormier, Lead Pastor of Zeal Church in Colorado Springs, brings a timely and powerful word to our church about the importance of recognizing God’s names and being able to hear when He calls ours. When He speaks, and what He speaks is vital to our relationship with Him.
The Gift of Hunger
Spiritual hunger is the byproduct of hope rising in our lives. Andy Byrd, co-founder of Youth With A Mission’s Fire and Fragrance, Circuit Riders, and co-leader of The Send, encourages our church family that it is possible to have so much hunger for God in our lives that we never lose our zeal. God wants to reconnect the heart of the Church to His presence, as we are on the verge of a global spiritual awakening, and spiritual hunger is key.
The Word of God
Our lives are to be planted in the Word of God, because any other foundation that we would attempt to plant our lives on is unstable and faulty. Pastor Banning explains the importance of being disciples that study scripture and practice the Word of God in our daily lives. We cannot afford to have a casual, inconsistent relationship with the Bible.
Filled with the Spirit
Jesus offers us the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that we would be His witnesses and move in power in our daily lives, doing all the things that He did. Kathi Frye, one of our Jesus Culture Sacramento Associate Pastors and Lead Intercessor, shares with us a powerful message on the meaning and importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit in order to experience the fullness of life that God has for us.
The weekly message from our local church, Jesus Culture Sacramento, a community of believers passionate about raising up leaders to impact every realm of society with the supernatural power and love of God.