The weekly message from our local church, Jesus Culture Sacramento, a community of believers passionate about raising up leaders to impact every realm of societ...
Jesus offers us the baptism of the Holy Spirit so that we would be His witnesses and move in power in our daily lives, doing all the things that He did. Kathi Frye, one of our Jesus Culture Sacramento Associate Pastors and Lead Intercessor, shares with us a powerful message on the meaning and importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit in order to experience the fullness of life that God has for us.
Freedom: Part 3
Forgiveness is the currency of Christianity. Pastor Becky Johnson unpacks the concept of forgiveness and its direct connection to living a life of freedom in Christ. When we are unwilling to forgive, and we forget that God is the final judge, we keep ourselves in a place of bondage to others and sin.
Sometimes we forget that no sin or circumstance is bigger than the cross. Jesus set us free from sin and our past. Pastor Paul Geerling, Senior Pastor of iSEE CHURCH in Australia, reminds us that when we have a revelation on the inside of the freedom God gave us, it changes how we live on the outside.
Freedom: Part 2
Any area of my life that is not dripping with freedom is under the influence of a lie. Pastor Becky Johnson teaches us the importance of getting free of any and every lie that stands in the way of us believing who God says that He is. What we believe about God will directly shape how we interact with Him. Is your experience of God limited by lies you are believing?
Freedom: Part 1
Jesus came to save us from death and deliver us and make us whole from the effects of sin. Pastor Banning teaches us that any area in our lives that we are not free in, Jesus invites us to be set free. Are you settling for things in your life that are actually just the effects of your life before you knew Jesus?
The weekly message from our local church, Jesus Culture Sacramento, a community of believers passionate about raising up leaders to impact every realm of society with the supernatural power and love of God.