Join Vinny Caravella, Jeff Bakalar, Dan Ryckert, Abby Russell, and Alex Navarro for a live Beastcast Reunion panel at PAX East 2024!
The Giant Beastcast: Episode 311
This is it folks and the whole family is here to sendoff the number one podcast in the universe!
The Giant Beastcast: Episode 310
Jeff Bakalar goes into Returnal, while Alex talks about We Are the Caretakers, and we learn a little about turnips and tax evasion. We've also got the news, your emails, and much more!
The Giant Beastcast: Episode 309
Big thumbs up for so far for Hitchhiker, Alex plays some NieR Replicant, and Bakalar continues building an actual arcade in his house. We've also got the news, including a new entry in the children's/assassination book genre, and your emails!
The Giant Beastcast: Episode 308
Jeff Bakalar officially joins the "Games Group", we talk about the new Oddworld, and Alex gets angry we haven't watch the latest Fast and Furious trailer.