ISNA Canada is pleased to announce its first ever podcast!
Join us this Ramadan everyday at 10 am to learn about the inevitable Day of Judgement and the prophec...
In this last episode of this series, we learn about the two remaining events that will occur during the Day of Judgement.
JazakAllah Khair for listening to our podcast, let us know your feedback on instagram @isna_canada!
The Intersection; the Reckoning and Requital
On the Day of Judgement, two major events will occur. In today's episode, we will learn about each of these events and their depictions.
The State of the People on the Day of Resurrection
In this episode, we learn from the Quran what the state of humans will be during the Day of Judgement and its terrors.
Al-Muhaasibi's Depicition of the Day of Judgement
In today's episode, we hear about Al-Muhaasibi's description of the Day of Judgement.
Terrors of the Day of Resurrection
After after beginning the discussion on the Day of Judgement itself, we now learn about the terrors of the day itself from the Quran and Sunnah.
ISNA Canada is pleased to announce its first ever podcast!
Join us this Ramadan everyday at 10 am to learn about the inevitable Day of Judgement and the prophecies leading up to it from the Quran and Sunnah with Maulana Shoaib Wardak.