Can’t Stop Scrolling is a podcast for Torah teachers, Torah learners, Torah lovers, and the Torah-curious. Each week, Avidan and Rav Avigayil interview a millen...
Where in your body does your anxiety live? If you have no anxiety at all, will you teach us how? We talk with Rabbi Lara Haft Yom-Tov about balancing between different values like critique and generosity or confidence and stretching ourselves, and teaching liberatory Torah to Jews of all ages.Primary Source: Mishnah Berurah 242:1
Torah as Language: Aron Wander
In this episode, we encounter the Torah of autocorrect and of chronic pain, and when Torah can and can’t speak to our deepest questions - especially in the moments when it seems like it's too late. Plus, should Avigayil start giving sermons about women’s basketball?Primary Source: Chayei Moharan 1:1
Torah as a Seed: Laynie Soloman
Laynie Soloman chats with us about the Torah of Magneto, falling in love with Talmud, and ideal cupcake-eating strategies.Primary Source: Bamidbar Rabbah 19:7
Torah as Kaleidoscope: Rabbi Sivan Rotholz
If a rabbi tells a joke, is it a rabbi joke? Rabbi Sivan Rotholz chats with Avidan and Avigayil about how anger relates to Torah, the importance of poetry, and informed choice.Primary Source: Numbers 12
Torah as Relationship: Rabbi Avigayil Halpern and Avidan Halivni
Who are we?? Why are we doing this? Why do we love the Torah? Is gossip okay??Primary Source: Pachad Yitzchak Shavuot 13
Can’t Stop Scrolling is a podcast for Torah teachers, Torah learners, Torah lovers, and the Torah-curious. Each week, Avidan and Rav Avigayil interview a millennial or Gen-Z Torah educator about their relationship to Torah, and learn a favorite text together. Come learn with us!