Based on the iconic, Emmy-nominated series on A&E, this show explores some of the most difficult-to-solve murders, which stymied investigators and went cold, so...
When a Texas gas store owner, Subir Chatterjee, 58, is shot inside his check cashing booth in 2002, detectives suspect his killer is someone Subir knew. With the murderer’s DNA in hand, one detective refuses to retire until the case is solved.GreenLight - Sign up today at today!SimpliSafe - This week only, take 50% OFF ANY new system with a select professional monitoring plan by going to HERS - Start your free online visit today at This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance!
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Introducing The Stars Ascending from Magic in the United States.Follow the show: Magic in the United States
Open almost any newspaper and you’ll find your horoscope. But this form of Western astrology has a long and complex history. It began thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia before European settlers brought it to North America, where they used it in farming and for answering questions. In this episode, we learn how astrology has survived and evolved in the United States and ask: is astrology a science or pseudoscience? Magic or art? Psychological tool or a divination method? The answer might just be like the stars: all of the above. Featuring Nicholas Campion, Tres Henry, Michael York, and Jake Zukowski.
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I SURVIVED: I Knew He Was Going to Shoot Me
Bridget is abducted by a man at gunpoint. Ryan and John are on a private plane with a friend and their friend's father when they are caught up in some bad weather. Daryl is stranded alone in the wilderness when a huge snow storm rolls in.
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REOPENED: The Deadly Ex
A mother disappears and her voicemails lead detectives to the body. But the case goes cold until over a decade later when an informant discloses critical clues to turn the suspect into a convicted murderer.Qualia - Go to for up to 50% off and use code COLDCASE at checkout for an additional 15% off!Brought to you by Progressive Insurance!
DNA SPEAKS: Deadly Web of Lies
When gambler Scott Martinez, 47, is found eviscerated by a sword in his La Mesa, CA home, investigators can’t tell who is telling the truth within his inner circle.. It will take 13 years and an advance in DNA analysis to find his killer.IQBAR - Text COLD to 64000 to get 20% OFF all IQBAR products, plus get FREE shipping!Quince - Go to for 365-day returns, plus free shipping on your order!Shopify - Sign up for your one-dollar-per-month trial period at This episode is brought to you by Progessive Insurance! Qualia - Go to for up to 50% off and use code COLDCASE at checkout for an additional 15% off!
Based on the iconic, Emmy-nominated series on A&E, this show explores some of the most difficult-to-solve murders, which stymied investigators and went cold, sometimes for decades. In fact, one-third of all murders in America remain open. But thanks to dogged investigators and breakthroughs in forensic technology, these cases become part of the rare 1% of cold cases that are ever solved. Cold Case Files is hosted by Paula Barros.