This podcast will alleviate your fears of microbes! We will tell you more about fermentation by combining science and practice in a bi-weekly episode introducin...
This episode is a little different than our usual episodes. For our last edition of the Blub Club fermentation club in Amsterdam, we decided to record a live episode with our club members. We were joined by Saki Morita: a Japanese home fermenter that tells us all about the challenges and possibilities of making miso at home. Build on your koji knowledge from our previous episode and apply it in miso! How to make it, how to play with the flavour and also, how to cook with it.
#11 koji
Aspergillus oryzae... This magical mould has hundreds of applications that are being uncovered one by one by creative fermenters all over the world. Before yóu start kojifying everything, you might want to get to know this bug a little better: who are you? How do I work with you? What do you need to be happy? And why can I eat you, but can't I eat some of your other fuzzy friends?
#10 kombucha
This ancient drink turns out to be not so non-alcoholic as we thought! How is it made, why does it often still contain alcohol and how can we keep the ABV as low as possible? We explain it all in this episode. We end the episode with a visit to a very special kombucha brewer in Amsterdam: Nicolas Adam from Leave Your Sword Kombucha Brewery. His alcohol measurement machine has provoked quite some chefs ánd he makes delicious single estate kombuchas. A true kombucha purist avant la lettre.
#9 vinegar
We thought vinegar was not the sexiest topic when talking about fermentation. Little did we know! Upon writing the episode and diving deeper into this product we discovered there is so much more to this tangy liquid than one could imagine. We talk you through what acetic acid bacteria are, how balsamic vinegar is made and we teach you how to properly pronounce chinkiang vinegar!
#8 beer
Beer is what brought our fermentation guru Ivana to fermentation! Discovering how different yeasts can turn the same wort into two completely different beers blew her mind. In the episode we talk about how temperature influences aroma development in yeasts, how to make a delicious alcohol-free beer and how to make a bad tasting one ;-)
This podcast will alleviate your fears of microbes! We will tell you more about fermentation by combining science and practice in a bi-weekly episode introducing a new fermented product. We will build your knowledge from the very basics all the way to futuristic fermentations.