What is the soul journey? What does spirituality mean? What is our collective history as souls? If you're also trying to find answers to these profound question...
On this episode, I discuss the possible causes to why women seem to be hated by men, and the consequences of that perception.
Episode 18 - The Art of Letting Go
On this episode, I discuss some techniques you can use to let go of toxic thoughts and patterns.
Episode 17 - Facing Your Darkness - Part 2
On this episode, I conclude the ways and reasons why Facing Your Darkness is an important part of your journey.
Episode 16 - Facing Your Darkness Part 1
On this episode, I discuss how you can go about facing your inner darkness and share techniques that helped me handle my own darkness. IN LOVING MEMORY OF STANFORD
What is the soul journey? What does spirituality mean? What is our collective history as souls? If you're also trying to find answers to these profound questions then join me, so we can go on this journey together and try to make sense of it all.