Helping believers think Christianly about theological and cultural issues by engaging in curious conversations with a diverse range of thoughtful people.
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0:00 Introduction
0:41 Will you respond to any critiques of "the Upside Down Kingdom Study Bible?" Is it "woke?"
5:49 How do you explain the difference between sexual attraction and sinful sexual lust?
9:35 Is the Kingdom a meritocracy? The gate is grace, but what about rewards and placement--based on works?
20:23 Is there any topic you find uninteresting or would prefer not to discuss?
26:45 My young adult trans kid is mentally and emotionally healthier after transition. I feel guilty that I like them better, but they need Jesus. Thoughts?
30:21 What are some things happening on the political right that you've aligned with?
45:15 How do you choose which Christian charities to support?
47:13 Do you love Satan? We're supposed to love our enemies! (from a 7-year old)
48:33 What do you think of the statement, "Hell was made for Satan and his demons, not for people?"
49:35 How can we inherit a sin nature if God knit us together in the womb? Isn't he creating sin then?
50:39 Do you think there are gender distinctives that men must embrace, like growing beards?
53:47 The Greek word for submit in Eph 5:24--is it a "command" or is it a "suggestion?"
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Understanding Evangelical Universalism: Dr. Robin Parry
Dr. Robin Parry is the minor canon for eco-spirituality at Worcester Cathedral, UK. He is also an academic book editor for Wipf and Stock Publishers and the author of several books and articles including The Evangelical Universalist (under the name Gregory MacDonald) and an important article on Christian Universalism in the Four Views on Hell book, which I edited. In this conversation, I didn't bring Robin on for a debate but for him to unpack his biblical case for Christian Universalism. Register for the Exiles and Babylon conference:
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Who Really Was Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Dr. Mark Thiessen Nation
Dr. Mark Thiessen Nation has authored and edited a number of books, including two books on Bonhoeffer: Bonhoeffer the Assassin? and Discipleship in a World Full of Nazis. For sixteen years he was professor of theology at Eastern Mennonite Seminary and before that was director of The London Mennonite Centre, London, England. Register for the Exiles in Babylon conference (Minneapolis, April 3-5, 2025) at
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The Theology of Paul and His Affections for Christ: Dr. Nijay Gupta
Dr. Nijay Gupta earned his PhD in NT from Durham University. He currently serves as Prof of NT at Northern Seminary. He’s written several books including Strange Religion, Tell Her Story, and the recently released: The Affections of Christ Jesus: Love at the Heart of Paul’s TheologyRegister for the Exiles in Babylon conference (Minneapolis, April 3-5, 2025) at
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A Christian Approach to Understanding the Narratives about Israel-Palestine: Dr. Ben Norquist
Dr. Ben Norquist is the director of the Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (NEME). Ben is a researcher and public organizer. Inspired by his study of higher education in Palestine, Ben currently works on the ways educational and epistemological structures develop responsively to physical landscapes, especially those that are highly configured and imposed. He us the coauthor of Every Somewhere Sacred: Rescuing a Theology of Place in the American Imagination coming out with IVP Academic, fall, 2025.
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Helping believers think Christianly about theological and cultural issues by engaging in curious conversations with a diverse range of thoughtful people.