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Abiding Together

Podcast Abiding Together
Heather Khym, Michelle Benzinger, Sister Miriam James Heidland
Providing a place of connection, rest and encouragement for women who are on the journey of living out their passion and purpose in Jesus Christ.

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  • S15 E14 - Encountering Emmanuel: Week Four
    In this week's episode, we conclude our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We discuss how we all have deep cries within our hearts and how Jesus coming as a baby gives voice to those longings and sorrows that we hold. We also reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing the love of God, the power of a name in calling out our truest identity, and the great adventure of falling in love with the Lord. Friends, thank you for joining us on the journey this Advent season. We look forward to next year and pray the Lord reveals Himself to you in a deeper and more intimate way this Christmas season. God bless! Heather’s One Thing - 2025 SEEK Conference in DC and the Ave Maria Press team Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming choral arrangement Michelle’s One Thing - Our amazing staff (Kristina, Camille, Kate, and Kathy) and The Genesis Prescription Program with SoulCore   Other Resources Mentioned:  Encountering Emmanuel Resources    Announcement: Season 16 will begin on January 20th, 2025!   Journal Questions: What would it look like for light to be born in the darkness of my life? Where are the places I’m trying to escape or overcome my own humanity? Where in my spiritual life do I feel like I’ve plateaued? Pray the Litany of Encounter. Which line resonates with you at this moment?   Discussion Questions: When you think about seeing Jesus face-to-face, what questions, fears, or excitement are in your heart? Where do you need the Holy Spirit to overshadow you? What graces have you received this Advent? What is Jesus inviting you to this Christmas season?   Quote to Ponder: “Jesus has chosen to show me the only way which leads to the divine furnace of love; it is the way of a childlike self-surrender, the way of a child who sleeps, afraid of nothing, in its fathers arms.” (St Therese of Lisieux)   Scripture for Lectio: “And His name shall be called Emmanuel, which means God with us.”  (Matthew 1:23)   Sponsor - Stonecrop Wealth Advisors: Are your financial decisions truly aligned with your Catholic faith? Many investors are unaware that their portfolios might be supporting causes that contradict their deepest values in Christ. At Stonecrop Wealth Advisors, we believe it’s possible to invest in a way that reflects and honors your beliefs. We offer faith-based investment portfolios that avoid companies involved in activities contrary to Christian values, such as abortion, pornography, or pride parades. Instead, we focus on supporting businesses that align with the teachings of the Church and work to build the Kingdom of God while contributing positively to society. As a fee-only fiduciary, our primary mission is to serve your best interests. We offer financial advice and investment management designed to help you achieve your long-term goals without compromising your values. Whether you’re an individual, family, business, or non-profit, we’re here to provide you with a new path toward a faith-driven financial future. No matter where you are on your financial journey, you can start aligning your investments with your faith today. If you’re ready to transform your financial strategy and help ensure your investments are working to build a future guided by faith, reach out to Stonecrop Wealth Advisors. As part of our commitment to helping you, we’re offering a free financial plan and portfolio analysis. We’ll help you discover which of your current investments might be funding activities that go against your beliefs and guide you toward a faith-aligned investment strategy. To learn more and take the next step toward aligning your finances with your faith, visit https://www.stonecropadvisors.com/abidingtogether Investment advisory services are offered through Stonecrop Wealth Advisors, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.   Timestamps: 00:00 - Stonecrop Wealth Advisors 01:13 - Intro 02:19 - Welcome 05:03 - Jesus Comes to Show Us God’s Love 07:07 - The Liturgical Seasons 08:33 - He Comes with a Cry 11:38 - He Comes with a Name 12:27 - He Comes as a Person with a Face 16:00 - He Comes with the Holy Spirit 20:30 - He Comes as a Gift to the World 25:10 - Litany of Encounter 29:02 - One Things  
  • S15 E13 - Encountering Emmanuel: Week Three
    In this week's episode, we continue with “Week Three” in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We meditate on the vulnerability of Jesus as a baby and how He comes as one who is little so we can know that we are loved in our littleness. We also reflect on what it looks like to have hope, how to love with an open heart, and the deeper meaning of incense. Jesus’ heart is an open place of refuge where we find the comfort and relief we so desperately need this Advent season.   Heather’s One Things - The upcoming women’s conference at Franciscan June 6-8  (registration opens January 29, 2025) Sponsored by Abiding Together and Deacon Bob Rice’s new Scriptural Rosary Cards Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Restore the Glory Podcast episodes on redemptive suffering (Carrie Archual) (Part 1) (Part 2) Michelle’s One Things - This mug from Deacon Bob Rice, Trader Joe's winter peonies, and The Portal of the Mystery of Hope by Charles Peguy   Other Resources Mentioned:  Encountering Emmanuel Resources Resources The Hidden Meaning of Incense w/ Fr. Boniface Hicks   Journal Questions: What does abundant life look like in my life at this time? How can I lean into Hope today? When did I become so serious? How can I allow the Lord to transform my woundedness into a sweet fragrance for the Lord?   Discussion Questions: How do you conflate abundant life with perfection? Where are you holding onto hopelessness? How can you live more openly even in the midst of pain? How can you embrace more play in your life?   Quote to Ponder: “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.” (C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves)   Scripture for Lectio: “I led them with cords of human kindness, with bands of love. I was to them like those who lift infants to their cheeks. I bent down to them and fed them.”  (Hosea 11:4)   Sponsor - Catholic Women & Couples NFP: Catholic Women & Couples NFP (CWCNFP) is a lay Catholic organization that is pleased to offer 100% free Natural Family Planning and Fertility Awareness Classes to any Catholic woman or couple 18 years of age and older. Their ministry exists to aid Catholics in pursuing lives in full harmony with Church teaching. By learning a fertility awareness method, Catholic women can be more in tune with their hormones, understand their fertility patterns, and plan their family in accordance with Church teaching. It is estimated that only 20% of Catholics have ever attempted a NFP method. CWCNFP’s ministry exists to change that statistic. They believe  all Catholic women and couples should learn a fertility awareness method, no matter their vocation or state in life. With online classes, they work with your busy schedule and offer classes in both Spanish and English. Many NFP courses can cost up to $300, but CWCNFP’s classes are ALWAYS free. They specifically teach the Billings Ovulation Method ®, which is very similar to the Creighton Method. However, they know that the Billings Method might not be for everyone, so if a client would like to learn a different NFP method they have a special partnership with MyCatholicDoctor that allows them to learn any method of their choosing as long as they have qualifying insurance. With qualifying insurance, this NFP instruction through MyCatholicDoctor would be covered. In addition, teens or non-Catholics who do not qualify for CWCNFP’s free NFP program will be able to find fertility awareness courses through MyCatholicDoctor, in which CWCNFP will assist with setting up. To learn more and to sign up for free classes, visit their website www.ccnfp.org or follow them on Instagram @cwcnfp   Timestamps: 00:00 - Catholic Women and Couples NFP 01:30 - Intro 02:22 - Welcome 04:20 - Vulnerability and Hope 08:12 - Loving with an Open Heart 11:41 - Incense 16:06 - The Language of Play 22:22 - Thoughts for the Third Week of Advent 24:37 - One Things
  • S15 E12 - Encountering Emmanuel: Week Two
    In this week's episode,  we continue in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel and focus on “Week Two”. We ponder the reality that we are welcomed into Jesus’ family as heirs and children of God. We also discuss the restoration that takes place in family, relating to each other as spiritual family, and the ache we experience for union with God in Heaven.    Heather’s One Thing - The community at Franciscan  Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Gingerbread and gingerbread cookie recipes Michelle’s One Thing - The gift of community in North Carolina   Other Resources Mentioned:  Encountering Emmanuel Resources     Journal Questions: How do I “sanitize” the Gospel and oversimplify the transformation Christ came to bring us? In what parts of my heart am I not attached to the Lord? Do I believe the Lord delights in the poor parts of my heart? Or do I believe He merely tolerates them? How do I experience the Divine Ache in my life? Do I run from the ache or run towards the Lord when I experience it?   Discussion Questions: How have you experienced healing and restoration within your family? How have you experienced the Trinity as a family? How often do you consider the hope and reality of Heaven? Have you experienced the transformation from deep aches to lasting hope?   Quotes to Ponder: “The Word became flesh to make us “partakers of the divine nature”: “For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God.” “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.” “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.” (CCC 460)   Scripture for Lectio: “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of adoption. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ—if, in fact, we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.” (Romans 8:14-17)   Sponsor - In.spired Living: Inspired Living is a Catholic home decor, book and gift shop dedicated to helping you create a beautiful home full of reflections of the eternal. At Inspired Living we believe that our lives of faith begin at home, and therefore should be a reflection of that which is eternally beautiful, God Himself.  At Inspired Living we have intentionally curated and brought to one place, the best of Catholic items across the web- whether that be, decor for your home, gifts for sacraments or books and sacramentals for enhancing your Iives of faith. We have brought them all together in one place, offering a unique array of handcrafted goods and exquisite gifts, made by artisans, not only in the United States, but around the world. Inspired Living is a small, family run business and we love partnering with artists and their families, all who are committed to bringing eternal beauty into the home.  For all Abiding Together Listeners enjoy an exclusive 20% off discount using the code ABIDING20 at checkout. Visit us at theinspiredliving.net Inspired living - bringing eternal beauty to the home   Timestamps: 00:00 - In.spired Living 01:08 - Intro 02:00 - Welcome, Scripture Verse, and Quote 04:58 - Familial Love of God 06:58 - Adoption and Belonging 10:47 - The Desire to Be Received 15:13 - A Way to Heaven 19:53 - The Ache Within Us 21:45 - Kindness vs. Comfort 24:59 - One Things
  • S15 E11 - Encountering Emmanuel: Intro and Week One
    In this week's episode, we begin our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel and focus on the “Introduction” and “Week One”. We discuss the inspiration behind the book, the fruit that comes from journaling, and the call to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd.  We also reflect on allowing Jesus to be born in our hearts, encounter our wounds, and bring light to our personal darkness.  Heather’s One Thing - Josiah Henley’s artwork for Encountering Emmanuel and the wallpapers made by our friends at Tilma Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Heather’s updated advent worship playlist  Michelle’s One Thing - Life in the Power of the Holy Spirit with Dr. Mary Healy (S14 E15) and the Auburn win against Texas A&M   Other Resources Mentioned:  Encountering Emmanuel Weekly Videos (sign up at the bottom of the page) Encountering Emmanuel Leaders Guide (free resource) Subscribe to our weekly newsletter    Journal Questions: In what ways am I transparent, but not vulnerable? Am I allowing Jesus to come into my heart and actually transform me? What is holding me back from letting “it be done according to [His] Word?” What parts of yourself have yet to encounter the Real Jesus?   Discussion Questions: Do you believe the Lord has something new to offer you this Advent? How are you experiencing resistance in your heart this Advent? When it comes to your faith, are you completing tasks or are you encountering Jesus Christ? How can you “wake up” from sleepwalking through life?   Quotes to Ponder: “Awake, my soul, awake! Show thy spirit, arouse thy senses, shake off the sluggishness of that deadly heaviness that is upon thee, begin to take care for thy salvation. Let the idleness of vain imagination be put to flight, let go of sloth, hold fast to diligence” (St. Anselm of Canterbury)   Scripture for Lectio: “I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.” (John 12:46)   Sponsor - Into the Deep: A Lamp & a Light is a Scripture prayer journal for women that walks you through the movements of lectio divina with prompting questions.  The journal provides 40 pre-selected Bible passages for you that are ideal for imaginative prayer. Then, you’ll have 40 blank pages where you can choose your own passages. If you have wanted to pray with Sacred Scripture but aren’t sure how or if you feel like you need a guide, this Scripture journal can help you go deeper in your personal relationship with the Lord. If you are in need of hope, perseverance, direction, joy, or faith through God’s unfailing Word, A Lamp & a Light is for you. You can get one for yourself, your mom, sister, and friends for 10% off at intothedeep.co with code ABIDE10.   Timestamps: 00:00 - Into the Deep 01:34 - Intro 02:26 - Welcome 05:32 - The Heart of Encountering Emmanuel 06:51 - Vulnerability and Openness 09:13 - Disposition of Our Hearts 11:30 - Quote to Ponder 12:21 - Coming Awake 13:40 - Personal Encounter 17:46 - The Fruit of Journaling 20:53 - Exploring Areas of Darkness 22:00 - He Comes with Power 26:17 - A Journey of Healing 29:48 - The Voice of the Shepherd 32:04 - One Things
  • S15 E10 - Preparing for Advent
    In this week's episode, we reflect on how to prepare for Advent. During this busy season, it is easy to spend more time preparing our home than our hearts and we chat about the need for slowing down, quieting our hearts and surroundings, and becoming attentive to God’s presence in our daily lives. We also share practical ways we prepare and wait for the coming of our Lord at Christmas. Heather’s One Thing - The songs Holy Forever (YouTube) and The Story I’ll Tell (YouTube) Sister Miriam’s One Thing - The Carmellite Sisters (View their upcoming events here) Michelle’s One Thing -  The song You Know My Name by Tasha Cobbs and This “Full of Hope” Advent Mug from Blessed is She   Announcement: Our Advent study begins next week! Be sure to subscribe to our weekly email to receive each episode, discussion questions, and videos to your inbox.   Journal Questions: Ask the Holy Spirit: What do you want me to be present to this season? Where do I need hope in my life? Where do I lack peace in my life? Where do I need joy in my life? Where do I need to birth joy in my life?   Discussion Questions: What practices do you incorporate in Advent to embrace the season of preparation? When will you take time for prayer this week and throughout Advent? How can you better embrace Advent rather than just tolerate it? How can you slow the interior pace of your heart in Advent?   Quotes to Ponder: “The liturgy of Advent…helps us to understand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ. To predispose our mind to welcome the Lord who, as we say in the Creed, one day will come to judge the living and the dead, we must learn to recognize him as present in the events of daily life. Therefore, Advent is, so to speak, an intense training that directs us decisively toward him who already came, who will come, and who comes continuously.” (St. John Paul II)   Scripture for Lectio:  “Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13)   Sponsor - The Little Rose Shop: Discover the beauty of integrating faith into your everyday life with The Little Rose Shop. Our Morning Offering Prayer mug , is the perfect companion for your morning routine, allowing you to start each day with a heartfelt prayer, focusing your thoughts on Christ. Plus, explore our Quiet Books collection, including the Mass Quiet Book, Rosary Quiet Book, the Where is Jesus Quiet Book, and Wrapped in Mary’s Mantle Quiet Book. These engaging books are designed for babies and toddlers, making it easy to introduce them to the wonders of faith in a quiet and interactive way—perfect for adoration or Mass. As a special treat for Abiding Together listeners, use promo code ABIDING15 for an exclusive 15% discount at checkout. Enrich your spiritual journey and bring the joy of faith into your home with The Little Rose Shop.   Timestamps: 00:00 - The Little Rose Shop 01:31 - Intro 02:24 - Welcome 04:44 - Guiding Quote and Scripture Verse 05:54 - Stillness 07:20 - Preparing Our Hearts 11:29 - Distractions 14:16 - Intentional and Incarnational 17:25 - Slowing Down 18:57 - Finishing Well 20:16 - Practical Ideas 25:59 - Announcement 27:36 - One Things  30:08 - Closing Prayer

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Providing a place of connection, rest and encouragement for women who are on the journey of living out their passion and purpose in Jesus Christ.
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