OG Dance Moms Christi (@christilukasiak) & Kelly (@kellylhyland) take us back to the barre with this weekly podcast, recapping Dance Moms episodes and sharing n...
If you want the full season, subscribe here!!Episodes 1-3 available NOW!Www.pillowtalkpod.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
No Guts, No Butts
Get Season Two of Pillow Talk HERE: https://pillowtalkpod.com"What kind of dance teacher goes up to the judges and says disqualify my kid?" It's a good question Kelly! But the answer is pretty simple when Abby Lee Miller is on the case! Turns out building a new team isn't so easy, but as the episodes title (Blame it on the New Girl) implies there is at least an easy scapegoat Abby won't hesitate to pounce on.Joining the ALDC for a one time solo venture is Fallon Chapman and her mom Cheryl whom Abby met at the Florida auditions. But Abby begins to sour on her newest dancer as Fallon struggles to pick up the pace on her solo. Abby starts to openly mock Fallon to Cheryl, but her pettiness is nothing compared to when Fallon manages to forget her choreography entirely at competition. It's certainly a bad look, but in classic Abby fashion she manages to make the situation much worse for wear. But for Abby a lot is at stake since if the ALDC wins this week it'll be their 10th consecutive 1st place win, and since Candy Apples is also in attendance she really can't afford to look bad.Meanwhile the girls take a trip to cheer up Mrs. Miller in the nursing home, though Christi is notably barred from attending. Quotes“It's not torture, it's funny!" (01:40-01:42 | Christi)“That was some gay man who wanted to sleep with Kelly, but just the tip... cause he's gay.” (15:36-15:42 | Christi)“Every new mom Brian brought in had big fat fake boobs because he was obsessed with women with fake boobs." (30:45-30:51 | Christi)“Everybody needs to take a shot for Broadway baby making a cameo *indistinct grunting noises from Kelly*" (34:58-35:02 | Christi & Kelly)LinksSubscribe to us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50aSBAYXH_9yU2YkKyXZ0w Subscribe to our Patreon: www.patreon.com/backtothebarreThank you to Ashley Jana for allowing us to use Electricity!! Follow her on IG HERE: https://instagram.com/ashleyjanamusic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Download Electricity HERE: https://music.apple.com/us/album/electricity/1497482509?i=1497482510Follow Christi on IG: www.instagram.com/christilukasiakFollow Kelly on IG: www.instagram.com/kellylhyland Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Blown Away
Get Season Two of Pillow Talk HERE: https://pillowtalkpod.com"She says that it's good when kids lose. Obviously not all kids." observes Kelly since it seems Abby is determined not to let Maddie get outshined, even if she could be bested by her newest teammate. On "No Solo For You", the ALDC travels to Detroit for Masters of Dance Arts with a group routine centered around the fall of Detroit's automotive industry? It's certainly... a choice, but I guess it wouldn't be an ALDC dance without Abby's "unique" takes. Meanwhile Abby assigns solos to Maddie and Kendall. There was a notable lack of a solo for Kalani, which Kira immediately takes issue with. Abby insists Kira is overreacting, but everyone else knows that Abby can't let her star pupil lose. At the very least she could help Kendall... or she can be incredibly rude, same difference! The tole of Abby's behavior begins to weight on Kendall, who struggles to make it through her rehearsal that Abby admits to half-watching.Holly publishes her first book and the ALDC attends a book signing party. Abby manages to belittle Holly's achievement in front of everyone, but Holly pushes back sternly. Sincerely, what is Abby's deal this week? The next thing you know she's going to try and goad Christi into punching her! But Christi is prepared for such an occurrence and won't resort to physical violence. Instead she'll go with the next best thing, blowing on her! Would you be shocked to hear that still made Abby very mad?Quotes“Do you remember the gifts Abby used to give the kids? Yes. Like thongs from Gabrielles." (19:23-19:029 | Christi & Kelly)“She always wanted the kids to wear ALDC [shirts] in Pyramid, because she knew that they were going to film them from the chest up.” (21:06-21:12 | Christi)“It's a big story to convey in a two minute dance. You know what else is a big story to convey in a two minute dance? Slavery." (42:07-42:14 | Christi & Kelly)“That's where Count-stalkula was born." (57:31-57:33 | Christi)LinksSubscribe to us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50aSBAYXH_9yU2YkKyXZ0w Subscribe to our Patreon: www.patreon.com/backtothebarreThank you to Ashley Jana for allowing us to use Electricity!! Follow her on IG HERE: https://instagram.com/ashleyjanamusic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Download Electricity HERE: https://music.apple.com/us/album/electricity/1497482509?i=1497482510Follow Christi on IG: www.instagram.com/christilukasiakFollow Kelly on IG: www.instagram.com/kellylhyland Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Slap Talk with Annie
Get Season Two of Pillow Talk HERE: https://pillowtalkpod.com"We like affirmations Annie. We want you to make us feel good about ourselves. Ok, I'll keep that in mind," promises producer Annie, but that's a pretty tall order when you're recounting the slap heard around the world! That's right today we're welcoming back Producer Annie to answer all of your questions about what went down behind the scenes during Kelly's big moment.Questions our lovely bitchettes asked include: Which of the moms knew about Kalani, and how planned out was Kalani's inclusion overall? Did Abby conspire with producers to oust Kelly? What were the productions concerns about the situation, who had a say in what happened next? Most importantly of course, how many "showmances" were happening on-set? Tune-in to discover the answer to these questions and much more!Quotes“Dance Moms fans are mean. I'm grateful or them but they are mean." (01:02-01:06 | Christi)“Well, isn't everyone a little bit actively dying?” (04:35-04:37 | Annie)“Well I didn't know what a [whore bath] was. Well now you do. the more you know! Back to the Barre, providing quality education here." (31:57-32:07 | Christi & Kelly)“Did you guys want Kelly off? Did you plan to get her off the show? No. No. Just Abby did, and Abby always gets her way!" (35:30-35:39 | Christi, Kelly & Annie)LinksSubscribe to us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50aSBAYXH_9yU2YkKyXZ0w Subscribe to our Patreon: www.patreon.com/backtothebarreThank you to Ashley Jana for allowing us to use Electricity!! Follow her on IG HERE: https://instagram.com/ashleyjanamusic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Download Electricity HERE: https://music.apple.com/us/album/electricity/1497482509?i=1497482510Follow Christi on IG: www.instagram.com/christilukasiakFollow Kelly on IG: www.instagram.com/kellylhylandFollow Annie on IG: www.instagram.com/annebreiter Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
C is for Cookie
Get Season Two of Pillow Talk HERE: https://pillowtalkpod.com"I dislike Abby but that is no news for anyone who is watching," remarks Christi as Abby continues to prod in the hopes she will be the next to leave on "Nothing's Fair in Abbyville". But unfortunately for both of them Christi still has a season left in her, so Abby settles on belittling Kendall this week.Mackenzie and the Zieglers are in Los Angeles recording Mackenzie's first single. To fill the Maddie shaped hole int he group dance Abby holds a dance off between the girls that Kendall wins. And despite commenting what a great opportunity this position is for Kendall to prove her worth, Abby has no intention of letting Kendall actually take Maddie's place. In fact she desperately works to get Maddie back in time for competition, claiming she never actually promised Kendall the part... so what was the dance off for?Meanwhile Kira and Kalani continue to settle into the team dynamic. Kira worries that Abby is going to set her daughter up to compete with Maddie, but the moms point out that Kalani is so good that Abby would never dare pit her against Maddie. Any situation where Maddie might lose is strictly off limits. Kalani might be the ALDC's best dancer, but Abby didn't train her so she can't flex her too much.Kelly calls in to organize a lunch with Christi, whom production forces to invite the rest of the moms including Kalani. What will prove to be Kelly's final appearance on-screen is rather quaint as she's still happy to be off the team, despite how much the production wanted the situation to start drama (why else would you invite Kalani). Melissa is visibly uneasy though, wonder why!Quotes“I was gonna say what are you drinking? I'm not drinking anything except for like NyQuil." (09:11-09:15 | Christi)"There's nothing that brings energy and fun to the room quite like Abby Lee Miller, so have at ti." (14:50-14:56 | Christi)“Jill is not only wearing fur, she might be wearing what, in my mind, could be the most iconic piece of fur on Dance Moms. " (17:57-18:06 | Christi)“Mole again, mole gone. Mole here, mole there, mole everywhere. Mole gone" (29:45-29:51 | Christi)LinksSubscribe to us on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC50aSBAYXH_9yU2YkKyXZ0w Subscribe to our Patreon: www.patreon.com/backtothebarreThank you to Ashley Jana for allowing us to use Electricity!! Follow her on IG HERE: https://instagram.com/ashleyjanamusic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=Download Electricity HERE: https://music.apple.com/us/album/electricity/1497482509?i=1497482510Follow Christi on IG: www.instagram.com/christilukasiakFollow Kelly on IG: www.instagram.com/kellylhyland Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
OG Dance Moms Christi (@christilukasiak) & Kelly (@kellylhyland) take us back to the barre with this weekly podcast, recapping Dance Moms episodes and sharing never-before-heard behind the scenes stories. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.