Jewish Ancestral Healing teacher and practitioner Taya Mâ Shere engages spiritual leaders, artists, activists and visionaries on their journeys of ancestral hea...
Episode 3.10: Dreaming the World to Come: Transcestors, Disability Justice, Time Portals & Intimacy with the Divine with Nomy Lamm (interviewed by Rae Abileah)
In this episode, musician, illustrator, creative coach, kohenet/Hebrew Priestess, and Creative Director of Sins Invalid Nomy Lamm dreams the world to come, exploring trancestors, disability justice, time portals, and intimacy with the divine. They are interviewed by social change strategist Rae Abileah.
Episode 3.9: I am what was taken from me: Unlearning Colonization & Embodying Resistance with Ariella Aisha Azoulay (a joint conversation between Hadar’s Web, the Sarah & Hajar Series & Jewish Ancestral Healing)
In this episode author, curator of anti-colonial archives, film essayist, and theorist of photography Ariella Aïsha Azoulay discusses unlearning colonization and embodying resistance. This episode is a collaboration between Hadar's Web, The Sarah & Hajar Series, and Jewish Ancestral Healing.
Episode 3.8: At the Intersections of Judaism, Racism and White Supremacy: A Conversation Dedicated to Liberation with Jared Jackson interviewed by Lynn Gottlieb
In this episode, Jewish diversity leader, consultant, facilitator, speaker, writer, musician, and entrepreneur Jared Jackson discusses Judaism, racism and white supremacy in a conversation dedicated to liberation. He is interviewed by pioneering feminist Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb.
Episode 3.7: A Bintl Brief: Re-Imagining an Ancestral Advice Column with Ginna Green and Lynn Harris
In this episode strategist-consultant-movement-builder Ginna Green and writer-activist-comedian Lynn Harris re-imagine the ancestral advice column, A Bintl Brief.
Episode 3.6: Daring to Be Powerful: Facing Fear While Centering Joy with Penny Rosenwasser interviewed by Rae Abileah
In this episode white-Ashkenazi-Jewish queer/lesbian rabble-rouser for justice Penny Rosenwasser speaks on daring to be powerful, how to face fear while centering joy. She is interviewed by social change strategist Rae Abileah.
Jewish Ancestral Healing teacher and practitioner Taya Mâ Shere engages spiritual leaders, artists, activists and visionaries on their journeys of ancestral healing, embracing resilience, and ancestor reverence practices rooted in Jewish traditions and counter-oppressive devotion. May this offering be a portal of connection, that we may root in positive resource, remember ancient ways, reclaim and innovate new possibilities, and be deeply nourished by the well of our loving and wise ancestors.