Our Hope is a place for accessible discussions about Israel and the Bible, as well as a resource for people who want to share their faith more effectively and c...
For thousands of years, there have been many perspectives on the end times across different cultures and expressions of faith. Can we know for certain what is going to happen in the end, and what signs precede it? Are there events we can expect to take place before the Lord returns, and does He want us to be watching for them?As followers of Jesus, what should our response be when we encounter the various symbols, signs, and sayings associated with the end times? How can this knowledge strengthen our faith and help us discuss it with others? Join us as we explore these questions and many others with Mitch Glaser, PhD, president of Chosen People Ministries, in this episode of Our Hope.
Free Will and God's Sovereignty
What is the relationship between the sovereignty of God and human choice or free will? The Bible tells us God always accomplishes His plans according to His will. But it also tells us humans have a role to play in accordance with our choices. How can these two seemingly paradoxical ideas work simultaneously? In this episode of Our Hope podcast, Dr. Gregory Hagg, who teaches at the Charles L. Feinberg Center for Messianic Jewish Studies in New York City, walks us through each of these complex concepts and shows us how they intersect. We also explore questions like: How can evil occur despite God’s sovereignty?If God is sovereign, do my choices matter, and how?How does God’s sovereignty offer hope in our daily lives as believers?
What Is Heaven?
Contemporary culture provides a variety of views of heaven—from pearly gates to sitting on clouds, strumming harps, and wearing wings. Different world religions offer an array of descriptions often characterizing heaven as a place of perfect peace and happiness, absent of pain and suffering, and the place where God dwells. But what does Scripture say? In this episode, we will learn what the Bible says and what Jewish people understand about heaven. We will also discuss how an understanding of heaven can help our faith as followers of Yeshua. Our guest is Darrell Bock, senior research professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Together, we ponder questions like:What did Yeshua teach about heaven?How is heaven viewed within Jewish culture?Why is it important, as believers, to be conscious of heaven?
What Is Hell?
The Bible speaks of a place of judgment known as hell. This concept is difficult for those who believe the Scriptures and those who do not. Some reject the idea of a loving God sending anyone to such a place. Others fear they or those they love could end up there. Still, anyone who follows Jesus must grapple with God’s judgment and hell, which Jesus Himself spoke about (Matthew 5:22; Luke 12:5; etc.) The concept of punishment after death, however, is hardly unique to the New Testament. It is rooted in the Old Testament, especially in prophecy about God’s coming wrath.Robert Walter, who serves on our staff in Brooklyn, New York, is here to discuss this topic. He helps us understand not only what hell is but how Jesus’ sacrifice gives all people the opportunity to avoid hell and enjoy eternal life. This episode addresses:The nature of hell, Hades, and SheolWhat the Hebrew Scriptures say about hellJewish understandings of hell in Jesus’ timeWhether hell is eternalDegrees of punishment in hellReconciling God’s goodness and love with the existence of hell
What Is Spiritual Warfare?
The apostle Paul said it best: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).As followers of Jesus, we recognize we are born into a war between good and evil. There is a good God who is our Father and an enemy who hates everything God has created and loves.What is spiritual warfare, and why does it exist? On this episode of Our Hope, we dive into this topic with Dr. Daniel Nessim. He is the Chosen People Ministries Branch Leader of Seattle, Washington, and holds a Ph.D. in Theology and Religion from the University of Exeter in England.
Our Hope is a place for accessible discussions about Israel and the Bible, as well as a resource for people who want to share their faith more effectively and compassionately with the Jewish community. This Chosen People Ministries production is hosted by Abraham Vazquez.