Replay – Terry James: Noah’s Days, Lot’s Days, The Approaching Day
[Original airdate: 12/7/23] Mary Danielsen talks with prophecy expert and author Terry James, founder of Rapture Ready ministry. Terry has been coming alongside the church for decades to encourage and exhort believers to look upward, and now more than ever. His soon-to-be-released book, "Nearing Midnight: As it Was in the Days of Lot" helps the reader understand what is the significance of believing that the church's work on earth is winding to a close. We talk about cultural insanity, evil men and seducers, and why these times are so perilous for the awake, the woke, and the slumbering denier. "Rapture Ready" is a great resource for the believer and has an entire section of updated commentaries called, "Nearing Midnight" as well as headlines and articles from the very best and brightest minds who are watching bible prophecy unfold.
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Alex Newman: Global Schemes and Transition Teams
Today we welcome back Alex Newman to talk about some of the important issues as 2024 draws to a close. First up, the recent UN Climate Summit and his attendance there, things he saw and heard. Does the election of Donald Trump cast a shadow on the globalist Christmas wish list? Or is it business as usual, shaking down the richest nations for trillions to finance their scam? We'll find out what he saw first hand and what the outcome could mean for our bottom line tax bill. Next, we discuss the Trump transition team, not the usual process involving favors to politicians who do favors to get, well, favors in return, but rather, these are non-politicians who are promising to work for us little folk. Who might be confirmed, who might not. Will things get done from day 1? We will break that down with Alex's help. Another topic is the education system and how dissolving the Department of Education might affect our children, taking education back to state control and what that might look like. A full hour of important topics.
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Replay – Britt Gillette: The Economy: Woes and Rumors of Woes
[Original airdate: 8/23/24] Mary welcomes Britt Gillette today of End Times Bible Prophecy to help us catch up on the latest news on the economy and the global reverberations in a world that is run by technocrats. Around a year ago we heard of several major banks failing, followed by complete silence from the media. In the same way, August 5 of this year saw Japan's largest market drop in their history, with weak knees ensuing around the world, all on the rumour that the US is "in a recession". Followed by crickets, August 6. What is going on? Does anyone know? Worse yet is being kept in the dark by all parties, especially banksters. Of course, public panic is not something they wish to ignite but at some point, the elite plan for a global economy will become perfectly clear. Until then, we have guests like Britt Gillette to clue us in. You can also find his articles on his Substack page. His books can be found here. An informative hour.
Jeff Childers: What in the World is Going On?
Mary chats with Jeff Childers, an attorney located in Gainesville, Florida. He has been actively involved since March 2020, providing truth, optimism, and hope as the author of the widely read, insightful international blog "Coffee and Covid". He is one of the nation’s leading attorneys standing against unconstitutional mandates invading citizens’ bodily and medical autonomy. Since the 2020 pandemic, Jeff has represented a variety of clients and cases covering many controversial topics. He has managed to get an appellate decision finding that mandatory masking was presumptively unconstitutional, and he also shut down the City of Gainesville’s “vaccinate or terminate” policy as unconstitutional with a first-in-the-nation broad injunction against a vaccine mandate. In addition, his witty and well thought out editorials about the daily news cycle are one of a kind. With an audience of 160,000 and growing, there is always something to glean from him that the "legacy media" is silent on. Today we look at the origins of the C&C blog, his fight against the PREP Act, and a handful of the week's page-turning headlines.
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Headline Day: The More Things Change…
Time for another batch, bundle, or horde of headlines, whatever term of venery you care to employ. As things settle down around the election outcome, Christians have to be about their Father's business. Has anything changed relative to Bible prophecy? Of course not. Is your heart still burning for the return of Christ even with the fresh air that will probably come in January? We must remember that the more things change, the more they stay the same, so we will look at the globalists who aren't quite in the end zone yet but it's coming. We also look at what is happening in Syria, the Biden Pardon, the surveillance state. All that and more news of the day to help us put our eyes where they belong. Kings and Kingdoms shall all pass away, but there's something about that Name.